All you need to know about new Sassa cards


Durban – Since she's received inquiries regarding the differences between the new South African Social Security Agency card (Sbada), the old Cash Paymaster Services Card (CPS) and the EasyPay Everywhere (green card), Sbada explained:

CPS Card (Old Card): Sbada initially entered into a payment contract with CPS from 2012 until March 31, 2017. The Constitutional Court declared the contract invalid, but suspended the declaration of invalidity for one year, until March 31, 2018,

The court also suspended the declaration of invalidity of the current contract for an additional six months, effective April 1, 2018, ending September 31, 2018.

The old Sbada card is part of the CPS contract and is being phased out. Its disadvantages are:

* It allows unauthorized deductions; and

* It will no longer operate after September 31, 2018.

Sbada's new map: Sbada has entered into a five-year service level agreement with the South African Post Office (Sapo), in accordance with Section 35 of the Intergovernmental Relations Act, 2005, on December 8, 2017, to provide the following services between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2023. As a result, the new card has been introduced. It is yellow, has the Sbada logo and the South African coat of arms in the right corner. Recipients are encouraged to obtain it, as it offers the following benefits:

* No minimum account opening and no minimum account balance

* No monthly service fees

* Free replacement of the first card payment; [19659002] * Free mini-statement or balance request

* Unlimited purchase at the free point of sale

* A free withdrawal on the Sapo infrastructure

* Three free cash-back transactions at the retailers;

* FREE PIN Reset

* Free Clearance Inquiry

* Free SMS and / or Email Notification

* No EFT Debit or Order Stop; and

* The maximum cost of this bank account, subsidized by Sbada, is R6.71 per month.

The card can be used at ATMs and at Shoprite, Boxer, Checkers and Pick * Pay counters. Banks will bill the use of ATMs

The EasyPay Everywhere Card (green): The EPE card represents a bank account that the customer holds at Grindrod Bank. EPE has a national branch infrastructure where customers can open this bank account. EPE provides a mobile card issuance infrastructure at payment points and in areas where communities request badistance to open bank accounts and issue cards.

The service is provided on a national basis. Customers in rural areas are serviced by a mobile banking platform. The card is fully interoperable in the National Payments System in South Africa and can be used in all ATMs

including those of other banks, or in the outlets of all retailers as well as in other locations. 39 to the infrastructure of the payment points. , using biometric fingerprints for verification purposes.

If a beneficiary wants to buy at a point of sale, there is no limit to the number of transactions that can be made. If a customer uses the ATM infrastructure – other ATMs or ATMs or Grindrod Bank ATMs (Easypay Everywhere) at payment points – there is no limitation on the number of transactions that 39, a customer can perform.

The card has a daily limit set of R5,000 for the protection of customers. If the customer wants to increase this limit, he can call the EasyPay Everywhere call center to increase or decrease the daily transaction limit.

Will the card be interrupted?

Under the Social Assistance Act, the beneficiaries their accounts have the right to do so and will continue to be paid as they have been in the past

Daily News

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