Black Sash questions Sassa's preparation for new payment cards


The organization has been at the forefront of challenging unscrupulous practices against recipients of social grants.

New Sbada cards. Picture: OfficialSASSA / Twitter

CAPE TOWN – The Black Sash asked if the Social Security Agency SA (Sbada) had performed enough tests on its new payment cards, which prevented 700 000 beneficiaries to access their social grants this week.

The organization has been at the forefront of unscrupulous practices against recipients of social grants.

According to her, the difficulties encountered this week led many beneficiaries to opt blindly for a banking service related to controversial social disbursements. (CPS).

The Black Sash newspaper says it's unhappy with the way seniors were treated this week, especially the costs they had to commit to come and go in order to pay points for get their social benefits. Evashnee Naidu of the organization said that the communication with the beneficiaries was mediocre, especially by the post office

"Obviously, this may not have been predicted, which We were wary the risk management and valuations that Sbada has done to date. "

The Black Sash is concerned that frustrated recipients have chosen to apply for a credit card service offered by CPS's parent company, Net 1. [19659004] ] Naidu says beneficiaries may not be fully aware of the services for which they have enrolled and related deductions that may be incurred

(Edited by Thapelo Lekabe)

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