#CITHeists: "Companies should be forced to use advanced security systems"


Johannesburg – The Gauteng Community Safety Department is pushing for legislation that will require money transport companies to use available technology that can curtail the current scourge of cash transfers (CITs).

At least 179 CITs Since the beginning of the year, the South African roads and the Ministry's MEC Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane have stated that if all companies used the technology currently proposed, this number would have dropped dramatically. She was part of the panel discussing solutions to CIT caches at AllCash Technologies offices in Kyalami, north of Joburg on Tuesday.

She said that following the meeting of a special team by the police department recently, it was pointed out "We are currently working on the legislature and our team has already prepared a proposal to be submitted to the Ministry of Justice. the police and, hopefully, will be presented to Parliament so that it can apply across the country. We noted that only two of the three largest companies used this technology. We must force everyone in this business sector to comply. It's not only their affair that is affected, we continue to lose our brothers and sisters to CIT robberies and the image of the country is also affected, "said Nkosi-Malobane

AllCash Technologies demonstrated two devices that help to deter thieves.They were a Pudu Vehicle Safe Pouch Protection Polyurethane Dispensing Unit and the Cash Defender MK3.The Pudu distributes a combination of chemicals in the area of ​​the vault of the car while rapidly forming polyurethane foam that hardens into a solid block.The foam instantly envelops the money safely while preventing access to the vault.This device can be activated remotely and can withstand the impact of an explosive.

A demo of a foam that hardens the vault of the crate in less than 2 minutes during a CIT flight. #CITRobberies #CITSolution s @ReporterStar @TheStar_news pic.twitter.com/OWafF7TLrA

– sifile lindile (@LindileSifile)
July 24, 2018

The Cash Defender MK3, is a mobile transporter used by guards while walking on the sidewalk. It is equipped with a dye dispensing device that is simply triggered by removing a finger from the handle of the box, which causes the stain of bank notes in seconds. The box is equipped with a cut-off protection and a protection against the cover.

Nkosi-Malobane also castigated the CIT companies for using non-navigable vehicles, making them easy targets for potential thieves. She said that eight of the 20 most wanted CIT criminals were arrested and that the government was doing everything in their power to oppose their release on bail.

"I'm not here to denounce criminals. We are here to let them know that we will fight the fire and that they must stop their arrogance. The burglaries in Boksburg (where two vans were bombed in May) caused shockwaves and people began to lose hope in our forces of order, "said Nkosi Malobane, Interpol Ambbadador. . to deceive the collusion between burglars' gangs. He said that at least 465 million rand were stolen 10 times last year, of which only 33 were recovered by the police.

"By doing a lifestyle audit, you can recover this loss from the property confiscation unit." Companies also need their gambling by offering the public more money as rewards. to get the suspects arrested.The criminals are willing to offer millions to silence law enforcement, but do you think that a member of the public would risk his life and help the police in his investigation if the reward is only R 100,000 while the criminals offer more ?, I doubt.These companies must give more money as a reward and in doing so they also destroy the value chain of criminals, "said Mashaile


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