court rejects complaints of assault against cops – The Citizen


Judge Ronnie Hendricks of the North West High Court today denied allegations that police beat one of eight men accused of killing Sabata Petros Chale after failing to make a declaration of admission. Police officers Kutumela and Mashaba allegedly badaulting two defendants, "he said, dismissing Sibonile Sobopha's complaint that he was badaulted.

Sobopha claimed to have been arrested in the Eastern Cape, to have been arrested in the head covered and badaulted.He said that there were four policemen in the car

He further alleges that he was denied a phone to call his lawyer and his rights did not him

"He [Sobopha] could not see who was attacking him, his head was covered … He mentioned Kutumela and Mashaba among the four policemen. He could have heard their names and incriminated them and alleged that they had badaulted him … I reject the accused 's version as false and I admit the version of the. State. "

Sobopha and seven other people were arrested in connection with the killing of Chale in 2016 Marikana near Rustenburg in the Northwest

The state alleges Aubrey Seitsang, Sobopha, Herbert Baqhesi, William Nyenyane, Samson Gqwetani, Don Luveli, Luvo Soyizwaphi and Mzolisi Mbulana killed Chale, 39, on December 8, 2016.

Chale was killed by the group on the allocation of cheap houses (RDP) in Marikana. was hacked with spears and pangas, suffered several stab wounds, and the court heard that his badailants would have drunk his blood after being killed.

Hendricks also pointed out that although Sobopha challenged the signatures of two admission statements, an expert has never been called to testify.] 19659002] The judge also found that despite the contradictions in the only eyewitness of the state, Josephine Tayitayi, his testimony was been collaborated Xakumbisa has never been arrested or charged.

The judge said that Chale had been stabbed and killed in Marikana and that a group of about 200 men had been involved in the killing.

Tayitayi was the only eyewitness who saw Chale killed. She stated that Chale was stabbed and shot with a homemade rifle in her belly, her intestines protruding, while no gut was protruding over the photograph and the post-mortem result did not mention the protuberant intestines.

Hendricks pointed out that Tayitayi mentioned Napoleon Webster, but it was clear that she hated him because he did not allocate her a cheap house, would have attempted to rape her and Webster was a member of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) while Tayitayi was a member of the African National Congress (ANC).

The charges against Webster were withdrawn after the state acknowledged that there was no credible evidence against him and five others.

The case was postponed until tomorrow (Tuesday), for further judgment.

African News Agency (ANA)

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