DA Chief Whip Thanks Lennit Max for Backstage Replacement


Mark Wiley, the chief of the DA, wished Lennit Max to advise the Minister of Police Bheki Cele and announce that his replacement will be announced shortly

. He was frustrated and angry that his offer to use his police and community safety experience in the province was denied.

ALSO READ: Here are the men in hats – Lennit Max gushes about the new boss Bheki Cele [19659002] He confirmed his resignation as a member of the provincial legislature, where he had been president of the culture and sports.

Max said at a press conference Monday that he could no longer remain idle. and he visited libraries and archives, while people were killed on the Cape Flats.

He was still part of the DA but provincial party leader Bonginkosi Madikizela said this week that Max had indeed left the party and


Previously, Max held the position of commissioner Provincial Police and Community Safety Commissioner. It was after he had climbed the ladder in the police.

Wiley said Wednesday that they had chosen to use Max's legal expertise as a lawyer with the driving committee.

ALSO READ: Lennit Max 'He must do the honorable thing and resign as a member & # 39; – DA

"He was a minister of community security and there was a lot of tension there and he was kidnapped by the prime minister". "We are getting a lot of experts who are not necessarily deployed in their area of ​​expertise … I've used it where I thought it could play an important role."

Wiley says that they had already identified Max's replacement and would make an announcement soon.

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