DA says #LennitMax can not be Cele's advisor and remain a party member


Johannesburg – DA says Lennit Max can not be a counselor to police minister Bheki Cele and still remains a DA member.

Western Cape party leader Bonginkosi Madikizela said the party welcomed Max's resignation as a member of the Western Cape provincial legislature and wish him good luck in his new role.

However, Madikizela stated that Max's comments at a press briefing Monday indicated that he was campaigning for the ANC by continually referring to the slogan "Thuma Mina", a slogan which has become a part of the ANC lexicon. Max was seen offering the job by Cele but said that he would remain a member of the DA

"Max indicated his intention to become a member of the ANC when he said" I'm not not yet a member of the ANC. "

He continued to refer to the slogan of the ANC's national election campaign Thuma Mina", which appeared as his way of campaigning for the UN. ANC, and his comments on what the Western Cape provincial government did Likit Max, now special advisor to Bheki Cele

"However, he never referred to the time where he was named MEC on behalf of Bheki Cele

.Lennit Max seemed to speak as a member of the ANC and not as a member of AD. "

Max, who has extensive expertise as a police officer, defended his decision to work with Cele.

He said that he had continually offered his 27 years of experience e of police to AD, but the party had refused to take his offer.

"The decision to join the national government is also born out of my frustrations for not being allowed to use my" As a qualified police officer, I could no longer remain idle. I approached the leadership, I offered my skills but this was refused. Not only did this frustrate me, but it even angered me, "Max said.

Previously, Max served as police commissioner of Western Cape and would have received a handshake in 5 million rand to leave after the start of the allegations of badual harbadment.

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