David Makhura needs maturity and endurance


Gauteng's new ANC president, David Makhura, will have to rely on his "maturity" as the outcome of the conference this weekend gave him a leadership team designed by pressure groups of which he was not a member

education MEC Panyaza Lesufi as vice president was probably the best result for Makhura, as the other candidate, economic development MEC Lebogang Maile, was considered as more ambitious and their twinning could have led to a power struggle in the new provincial executive. ] However, the relationship between Makhura and Lesufi is not so smooth either. There is talk of an audio recording in which Makhura was apparently heard saying that Lesufi was "not a factor".

But Lesufi is aware that he beat Maile by only 22 votes (623 vs. 601) and that Maile would be emboldened to He will challenge him for the race to Makhura's estate at the next provincial conference in 2022.

However, not everything was lost for the Maile group. Two candidates on his side – Jacob Khawe and his deputy Nomantu Ralehoko – took over respectively the provincial secretariat and the post of vice-president.

The Maile group described the intergenerational transition as a "campaign ticket". be ready for leadership – contrary to the concept of generational mix that seeks to have both the new race and the oldies governing together.

Makhura had preferred the former mayor of Johannesburg, Parks Tau, but the lobby has not grown in importance.

Tau then contested the provincial treasurer's post on the Lesufi ticket – beating Mayor Mzwandile Masina Ekurhuleni to vote.

In the same way as the election results at the ANC National Conference in Nasrec last December, the three main competing groups.

But until now, the national experience has been unstable, marked by clashes between ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa and Ace Magashule party secretary-general

. it is not stronger than him politically. "

" Makhura will not have a strong hold on the provincial executive as power will be split between him and the deputy. "

The next conference on the ANC list was a factor at the conference.The result meant that Makhura did not have all the rebadurance he needed to be named prime minister in the next general election next year.

The process required that the provinces send the names of three candidates to the ANC National Executive Committee decision.

At this point, nothing prevented Lesufi from raise their hand to be included in the list of three – a decision that could have been taken into account if Maile and Masina ranked in the top five, according to their lobbyists.

"What prevents the deputy ministers to appoint the deputy minister to become the prime minister as prime Minister "Makhura is not stupid, he knows that it is not a fait accompli," said an ally Maile.

The ANC was also thinking that Gauteng voters "were getting younger", which was among the factors that favored appetite. Party structures in the regions were increasingly being led by young people, said a Johannesburg-based leader, citing as an example the new regional president of the ANC Tshwane, Kgosi Maepa

. The working committee has only one person over 45, "said the insider.

The age factor could be used to destabilize Makhura, although he is in a position strong because all in the disputing group were in agreement The estate of his predecessor and now the ANC Treasurer General, Paul Mashatile

.He would focus attention on the fact that the province had funds sufficient for a successful election campaign.

According to the province's financial report, its budget, including electoral allowances, increased from R 56 million in 2015/16 to R 80 million in 2016/17, 91 million rand in 2017/18 and 83 million rand in 2018/19 The main sources of funding were the Gauteng Business Forum, membership fees, direct donations, dinners, golf days and the Financing of the Gauteng Legislature – 31 million rand in 2014/15 and 38 million rand in 2018/19. "Some of the businessmen who had promised to donate funds did not do as promised," according to a report presented Friday by outgoing treasurer Ntombi Mekgwe


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