De Lille gets his wish, and will now have to answer


After months of internal struggles, Patricia de Lille will finally have the opportunity to defend herself against the various allegations that are addressed to her – an exercise that will be either clear or damaging to her name.

Lille and the Democratic Alliance reached an agreement late Wednesday night preceding a motion of censure scheduled Thursday at Cape Town Council.

The DA agreed to speed up the disciplinary proceedings of the mayor of Cape Town, while granting two of the many quotes from De Lille. asks: to provide him with the evidence used to compile his internal "Steenhuisen report" against his conduct and to open hearings to the media.

READ: DA confirms agreement with De Lille for public disciplinary hearing

In exchange, the party would withdraw its motion of no confidence against it in council, and the status quo will remain until the procedure is concluded.

Lille told reporters in her after the marathon council on Thursday night, she was very happy with the result.

"We will finally proceed to an appropriate disciplinary hearing. That's what I've been asking since the beginning. I also have to give to the country, to give them my point of view, and my ultimate goal is to whitewash my name.

"Many unverified allegations were published in public without evidence, and for the first time, it is now"

De Lille said he had a frank conversation with the head of the DA, Mmusi Maimane, Wednesday night.

Without giving too much detail, she said that they both came. At the same conclusion, the best way forward was to complete the disciplinary proceedings against her.

When asked if she considered the result as a victory, she replied, "I feel very relieved.

We did it more than six months ago, we would not be where we are today.

With a sense of mental health prevailing, one could ask the question: "What took so long?"

"There were various factors," said Deputy Federal Council President Natasha Mazzone. "Some include in limine points that were raised at the first disciplinary hearing, there was the court case too, so there were extenuating circumstances

"This particular question was dragged This caused us a lot of confusion and a lot of unnecessary tension.

" We are of the opinion that's the way to solve the question as quickly as possible and in the most pleasant way p ossible.

"We believe that we must hold Mayor Patricia de Lille accountable.

Mazzone told News24 that she was not personally at the meeting with Maimane and De Lille, but that she had "no doubt cordial, and a consensus meeting". [19659002] As with the possible outcome, and the party's confidence in his case, Mazzone stated that they did not want to anticipate the process.

"The charges against the mayor are well known and the media will have Opportunity to hear the answers to these particular allegations I am certain that both parties made this agreement in good faith, and the disciplinary hearing "

When she was questioned about the possible damage that these issues might have on the public image of the party, she replied that the party was not worried.

"We believe in accountability and transparency. The charges against De Lille will now have to be reformulated by a new committee of the Federal Legal Commission, after the decision of the Western Cape High Court was issued earlier this month.

There will then be a preparatory conference in the coming weeks, which will deal with technical issues and provide De Lille with the evidence it has requested.

De Lille's lawyers will then have a chance to prepare their defense for the discipline in its entirety, which will be held over three days in August.

Lille got the last word, admitting that they did not all hear, but they must work for the city.

"We must all work together, I have always placed the city of Cape Town first, and I expect those councilors [who are unhappy with me] to do so as well."

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