"Do not be afraid of the debate over the earth" – Malema tells the whites


Whites could enjoy their gardens when the land is returned to the people as burglaries cease, according to Julius Malema, the leader of the EFF

He was speaking at the celebrations of the 5th anniversary of the political party in Mdantsane in Cape Town Oriental. Saturday at the Sisa Dukashe stadium, crowded with fans

"Do not be afraid of the debate on the earth"

"I want to make a clarion call to others White South Africans: Do not be afraid of the debate on the earth, because the debate on the earth will free you from you. "

He said that whites remained behind high walls," because you are afraid that you will be attacked tomorrow ". "Who will attack you?"

"You know you did something wrong."

"Enjoy the beautiful gardens"

He said that if the whites "let loose the earth" "then" you will crush the high walls and enjoy the beautiful gardens. "

Malem One promised that, once they would be occupied with the land, the thieves would stop.

"We are breaking into your homes because we have nothing to do, because we are idling "

" Give us the land. permanent peace, "he declared.

# EFFTurns5 Malema: Our people spoke through the public hearings, that he wants the land. The land must be returned to our people

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica) July 28, 2018

READ: The EFF are like the second coming of "Jesus" and the ANC is "buried" at Qunu & # 39;

Malema also made a gesture to the ANC stating that the EFF is like the second coming of & # 39; Jesus & # 39; s and that the ANC is "buried in Qunu"

"There was an impression that the ANC will reign until Jesus comes back …" Malema said to the celebratory crowd. "In their dreams."

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