Duarte opposes Magashule's transplant requests


Johannesburg – ANC deputy secretary general, Jessie Duarte, criticized the criminal charges against party leaders, saying that they were related to guilt findings outside the court. A judicial process.

New allegations of corruption have emerged against ANC general secretary Ace Magashule regarding his time as prime minister, during which family members and close allies signed lucrative contracts with the provincial government. The results of the Alliance Political Council, which began on Sunday and attended by leaders of the SACP, Cosatu and the National Civic Organization SA (Sanco), indicated that there was a agreement to support the fight against crime, including corruption and parasitic networks

Duarte, however, denounced the criminal charges against party leaders before they were convicted in court.

"Let the law identify crime. Allow the law to charge people appropriately. Enable the courts to be independent and make the right decisions at the end of the process.

"If we continue with a process of finding guilty people – because that is the choice we make – then we do not allow the law People have the right to defend themselves and they have the right to be heard to defend themselves, "she said.

Tuesday, The Daily Maverick reported that Magashule's brother Ezekiel Magashule, his daughter Thoko Malembe and his successor and vice president of the ANC Women's League The sons of Sisi Ntombela were part of the group. a politically linked group of beneficiaries of the Free State Government.

The group reportedly received contracts for the maintenance of roads, grbad and other services Department of Roads and Transportation – including bakkies, trailers and related equipment from the provincial government.

Sanco Secretary-General Skhumbuzo Mpanza echoes Duar saying that there were allegations against the participation of ANC leaders, these leaders were innocent by virtue of the principle of law , which presupposes them until proven otherwise.

"I think that as South Africans we must respect this principle, respect all legal processes and not jump to the conclusions and leaders of subjects before the Kangaroo courts and the media tribunals, like this. still seems to be the case, "said Mpanza, deputy secretary general of SACP Solly Mapaila. the witch hunt against individuals, the rule of law should be used to bring all those involved in crime. "

" We must act against wrongdoing, against corruption and dismantle all networks that have inhibited the capacity of our society. state and state enterprises to operate optimally for the development of our country, "said Mapaila.

The Alliance Policy Council also discussed the reconfiguration of the Allia The alliance secretariat has been tasked with consolidating a draft document that will be discussed by all components of the Alliance before the Alliance Summit in October, where the position of the Alliance Alliance on reconfiguration should be finalized

The SACP has questioned the role of former president Jacob Zuma in the ANC campaign before the elections next year. 19659002] Both the SACP and Cosatu had banned Zuma from their rallies and called for his withdrawal when he was succeeded as President of the ANC by President Cyril Ramaphosa

Mapaila said the SACP had views on Zuma about it, he wanted "As Communists we are obliged to always tell the truth. We raised the issue at the meeting, but I must say that it will be important to appreciate that Zuma still mourns the loss of his son, and we express our condolences to him and his family. Mapaila said that the alliance meeting had also received a report on Ramaphosa's meeting with Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini, adding that alliance partners were in agreement that the government did not intend to do so. expropriated lands held in trust by traditional chiefs on behalf of communities

Political Bureau

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