From Lille, the speaker faces no-confidence motions against the Cape Town Council


Cape Mayor Patricia de Lille and Council Chair Dirk Smit are expected to face separate censure motions on Thursday in Cape Town City Council.

Council returns from recess at 10:00 am to debate, among other things.

The motion against De Lille is the second presented by its own party that it will face the council this year, while the motion against Smit was tabled by the opposition ANC

. ] Lille survived a similar motion of defiance against her in February by a vote.

The mayor tweeted Thursday that she felt "positive" before the motion, saying "what needs to be, will be".

Read more here: "What must be, will be" – From Lille advances the motion of censure

"The motions of distrust in the past and this one were based on unverified allegations without proof, "she tweeted.

"I remain positive and continues to"

The ANC motion "invented"

JP Smith, the Vice President of the Cape caucus, who criticized the De Lille's leadership over the past 12 months, said it would be very difficult to predict the outcome of the new motion against the mayor

The party and the caucus, however, still believed that it was the right thing to do given the number of allegations against Lille and the fact that she lost the confidence of 70% of her caucus

"The same conditions still apply, and the same reasons for our confidence [loss] remain. "

He was more confident that the motion against Smit would be defeated, baderting that the reasoning of the ANC was" artificial "and that none of the DA's advisers n & # 39; 39, had bought the argument of the opposition

The ANC in Cape Town should mean to address the Thursday morning before the meeting.

Cape Town Xolani Sotashe, head of the ANC caucus, told News24 las Last week, they had lost confidence in Smit, claiming he had lost control of the council over the past few years. month.

He also stated that they would not support the DA's motion against De Lille

. The motion against De Lille is successful, she will have to resign and the mayor's committee that she named will be dissolved.

Deputy Mayor Ian Neilson will become acting mayor and Council will have 14 days to appoint a new mayor

The motions against De Lille and Smit are likely to take place after Thursday's luncheon. [19659020] [ad_2]
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