Gordhan, the media and Moyane – Malema is unleashed


EFF leader, Julius Malema, castigated Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan, calling him "real president of South Africa" ​​and accusing him of doing what he wanted .

and tackled a series of issues, including rising oil prices, Tom Moyane, South African Revenue Commissioner, the SABC investigations, public hearings on the land and President Cyril Ramaphosa

. that country, the day I challenged Pravin's appointment, I told [former president Jacob] Zuma: "Why do you continue to appoint minorities to the economic group to the exclusion of black Africans?" ? " Malema says: "That day, I was declared an enemy and quite stupidly, I had my own SARS problems and it's there that they have me." found, "added the EFF leader

He was talking about his fiscal problems when SARS tried to sequestrate him and remove him from parliament.]" If you want to die politically, touch Pravin, "he said. he told reporters

. He complained of journalists who, according to him, had organized in crowds around President Cyril Ramaphosa and Gordhan. He said that some freedom had been granted to those who criticized the outgoing president, but that politicians were attacked by attacking Gordhan.

SARS Used as a Political Weapon

The EFF leader also claimed that SARS had attempted to take on his deputy, Floyd Shivambu, as a result of his opposition to the Deputy Director General of the Treasury. Ismail Momoniat was present at all committee meetings, instead of other senior African officials.

"Floyd received a warning that the Acting Commissioner of SARS [Mark Kingon] had asked the commissioners to find information about the leaders of the EFF".

READ: Malema reiterates his support for Shivambu on the Momoniat case

The chief commander of the EFF stated that his claims against SARS do not include were not due to the fact that he was in trouble collecting or

"I do not owe anything to SARS.I have finished my debt with SARS.I am clean.They can not do anything for me I do not want anything, "repeated Malema

Moyane can not be punished by unjust methods

By focusing his attention on the suspended commissioner of SARS, the firefighter of the EFF said Moyane was to go to

Moyane is under pressure to leave the revenue service. During a public hearing, current and former SARS staff members spoke of corruption that is flourishing under his direction.

A disciplinary hearing took place after Ramaphosa expressed a lack of confidence in the fact that he was directing the tax administration.

Malema expressed his concern, saying that it could become a double jeopardy if Moyane had to defend himself twice in the same case. The EFF leader also denied that the deal he had reached with the tax collector while he was facing the sequestration was not with Moyane

"I have not received any favors from Tom Moyane … But you can not punish him.You can not treat him illegally, you can not attack him through an unfair and unjust process. to wait for me to remain silent, "said the leader of the EFF

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