House-calls with Madiba's love


Starting this week, more than 90 government doctors began making home visits to the Eastern Cape.

The village of Mpunzana, part of the municipality of King Sabata Dalindyebo, was chosen to honor Nelson Mandela. MEC Helen Sauls-August begins presenting the Mandela-Castro Community Wellness Program in Thuma Mina.

Next week, the department will welcome 65 medical students returning from Cuba following the medical program Nelson Mandela Fidel Castro.

Students will join the team to develop health care across the province as part of the department's program to bring health to rural areas.

Sauls-August said: "Physicians and Health Professionals Chronic Diseases.

" This is part of Mandela's and Sisulu's Centennial Program. It will also be deployed in other districts.

"The department wanted to see and pilot the domestic calls approach of the Cuban medical model during this week."

"During Awareness, We Educate and Encourage People to Complement Their This is in keeping with the principles of the INSA aimed at ensuring universal health care for all.

Many people in the areas rural areas have difficulty accessing health facilities due to poor road conditions, Cuban-trained doctors will make home visits and take care of those with chronic diseases at home instead of seeing them in their homes. health centers

This is in keeping with the Cuban model of prevention and early detection, a curative system set up in South Africa

The sensitization program, which started on Monday in the sub-region District Nyandeni, aims to address the community component of the program, which

The Ministry predicts that more than 1,000 people will be treated by doctors that day

The State of Health Report and the performance of the 2018 provincial health system indicates that the province is experiencing a fourfold burden (including TB, HIV / AIDS); perinatal and maternal; not communicable; Many of these are the result of adverse socio-economic conditions that directly affect the health outcomes and quality of life (current state of health) of an individual.

The sub-districts KSD and Nyandeni are among the areas that do not work well in clinical outcomes. With hypertension and hemorrhage, HIV, AIDS, and tuberculosis are the three leading causes of maternal mortality in the entire Tambo OR district

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