"I'm sorry for you? No! & # 39; says Jacques Pauw to Julius Malema


Malema apologized and threatened to take legal action after the author suggested that his tax bill had been settled with a loan from smuggler Adriano Mazzotti. Malem denied the allegation.

Pauw tweeted on Wednesday: "Why did Dali Mpofu commit a hara-kiri in defending Tom Moyane? Because they have a mutual friend: the tobacco Adriano Mazzotti.He also paid a fee of EFF recording in 2014 and granted a loan to Malema to help pay his Sars bill. "

Pauw wrote an open letter to Malema, which he posted on Facebook on Friday. "I was wrong to say that you received a loan from Mazzotti to pay your tax bill.In fact, you received a loan of R1 million from Kyle Phillips – a business partner of Mazzotti and his co-director in Carnilinx, an independent tobacco company. "

Pauw referred Malema to a 2015 Sunday Times article, which quoted the FEP leader's lawyer as saying that Malema had received a Phillips Loan

"You have never denied any of these reports, so I suppose it's safe to say that it was true that you had received a loan of R1 million Phillips "

Pauw said that he would not apologize to Malema, because" no matter you take a loan from Mazzotti or Phillips, because – as I will show you – they are partners in the crime in Carnilinx. "

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