Invite black South Africans to do to Whites what "Hitler did to Jews" incites genocide


Statements made by Velaphi Khumalo, the man who called on black South Africans to do to Whites what "Hitler did to Jews", incited genocide because of race

. The SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) pleaded Mark Oppenheimer in South Gauteng High Court on Monday

The SAHRC filed a lawsuit against Khumalo following complaints received about his rant of January 2016 on Facebook. 196519002] Khumalo, an employee of the Gauteng Department of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture, called on black South Africans to do to Whites what "Hitler did to Jews", among other controversial remarks.

Oppenheimer that Khumalo's statements were a particularly "serious" example of hate speech that equates to an incitement to genocide based on race.

"The respondent is a civil servant and a member of the government party and his position in employment puts him in a position of influence over youth. [His] The position of power is a an aggravating factor that should be taken into account in determining what consequences should flow from his statements, "argued Oppenheimer

arguing that Khumalo should be ordered to make a public and unconditional apology to all South Africans. [19659002] Khumalo should be ordered to pay an organization an appropriate sum of damages imposed by the court, which should be prevented and prevented from publishing, propagating, defending or communicating hate speech, Oppenheimer argued

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