Julius Malema accuses the ANC of treating citizens "like pigs"


 # EFFTurns5 Julius Malema
EFF / Twitter

Julius Malema snatched gangs from the ANC at a East Bank rally in East London, castigating the party for its poor service delivery and his arrogance.

Ward 11 in Mdantsane, Malema, visited elderly and disabled members of the community. The commander-in-chief was informed that homes in the area were collapsing and that calls for help from residents were largely ignored.

# EFFTurns5: Malema to East London

In fact, Juju even promised he would personally ensure that she would get a home that meets her needs:

CIC @Julius_S_Malema is committed to building a house that will welcome him. # EFFTurns5 pic.twitter.com/ODw9VGW0RR

– Fighters of Economic Freedom (@EFFSouthAfrica) July 22, 2018

This was a great public relations opportunity for red berets, who seemed to want to drag the party to power as much as he could. The conditions in the rural areas are poor, and Malema thinks that is the case of the poor suburbs of South Africa:

"What we voted 24 years ago is not what we get.Our people continue to live in abject poverty.A party we trust treats us like pigs.They respect only whites.When you go to town, you will never find a house without electricity or a house without water. "

Julius Malema goes to the ANC

The leader of the EFF also rallied to the police, implying that they were lackeys for him. ANC agenda. Malema cast a very personal shadow at the party, preparing them for the mess and chaos of KwaZulu-Natal structures.

"I was at unit P yesterday and I met an old disabled woman with a rubber ball injury. Killed by the police for protesting the lack of service. "

" It's the ANC for you; they close you when you tell them the truth. But what are we waiting for, they kill each other in KZN. "

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