Lobbying ends now – Makhura at ANC Gauteng


"I will not let you down," said the new president of the Gauteng ANC, David Makhura, while he was calling for late lobbying and bad discipline in the province .

The prime minister of Gauteng was elected without opposition. The president of the province closed the three-day rally, thanking the party's delegates for a "huge success" and giving the economic center of South Africa dynamic leadership

Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi was elected vice president, while Jacob Khawe was elected secretary, Nomantu Nkomo-Ralehoko his deputy and former mayor of Johannesburg Parks Tau as treasurer.

Additional members to form the provincial executive committee continued in the afternoon, with delegates choosing more than 700 names

Some of the candidates who became available to be elected to the PEC included former Gauteng Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu. The ANC had stated that it would face the party's integrity commission for its role in the tragedy of Esidimeni's life that resulted in the deaths of more than 100 psychiatric patients when they were killed. they were transferred to unauthorized NGOs.

Brian Hlongwa

After being involved in alleged corrupt activities during his MEC tenure in the province

fierce protest and lobbying took place during the election Of the additional members, what Makhura said was "no problem" as lobbying was democratic within the ANC but he called at the end of the conference.

ALSO READ: "The unity is not only going to happen" – Magashule told the ANC GP at the closing speech

"If the comrades leave here and summon groups pressure to evaluate the results of the provincial conference, they will be out of order because the conference is over ", said Makhura

" The lobbies did not win.The branches said we would take comrades from different lobby groups and put them in a winning team, "Makhura said, reflecting on the results of the contest, which saw leaders from different lists being elected to work with each other

. similar to the result of the 2017 national conference, which saw President Cyril Ramaphosa replace former president Jacob Zuma as leader of the liberation movement

"We are now leaving this conference with a leadership collective and we we must rally to all the leadership. "The ANC provincial president also reprimanded delegates for failing to elect more women to the party's leadership committee and said that this should be corrected when the next lecture.

Makhura also pleaded with members of the courts on ANC issues.

"Please do not go to court for political and organizational matters, we respect the courts," said the president of the Gauteng ANC.

He said that the rulers respected the judiciary and were going to defend the party if it was challenged by the members

. and win because we deal with organizational matters according to the constitution, "said Makhura.

Makhura also said that the poor were used in battles to fight the ANC.

" Ne let's not let the enemies of the ANC and our revolution to finance your lawsuits whose aim is to keep the ANC busy in the courts, not busy on the ground serving people ", has he said …

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