Malema recalls "butternut head" he wants Nkandla turned into a college – The Citizen


The EFF leader continued an intensive week of campaigning ahead of his party's fifth anniversary celebration, announcing on Tuesday in Buffalo City that he wanted Nkandla's property of former president Jacob Zuma to be transformed into a university.

This is a call that the party has already made in the past.

"We are not finished with Zuma, we want this house that was built with our money to be turned into a TVET college in Nkandla so that our money can serve our people," Malema said. 19659002] Malema referred to the Zuma property in the KZN area of ​​Nkandla. many estimated that 200 million rupees of government spending on security improvements on the site was a symbol of the corruption that characterized his presidency.

He also called Zuma "butternut head", a long-favored insult. to the scalp shape of the ex-president. He drew mbadive cheers and laughs from the crowd

A big helping hand at Sisa Dukashe stadium on Saturday will be preceded by a series of speeches by the EFF chief commander in the townships around East London.

READ MORE: Malema uses the fifth anniversary of the EFF to fight the ANC in Eastern Cape

The Citizen reported Tuesday that the EFF would have chosen the Cape Oriental for his fifth birthday as the region is considered a stronghold of the ANC. EFF strives to obtain greater support in the region.

While previous addresses have taken the ANC to task on a wide range of issues, including service delivery failures, political badbadinations and being "asleep" the EFF in Parliament It's the first time Malema has raised his old Nemesis Zuma again.

Analysts have questioned whether South African opposition parties, especially the DA and the EFF, will fight for relevance.

READ MORE: Malema launches a warning to Ramaphosa

In a column in May, Max du Preez writes that "the two largest opposition parties in Africa South will be seriously injured the upcoming general elections if they can not overcome their Zuma hangover soon and begin to inspire voters with alternative visions of a better future. "

In February, Malema has announced that he would make Ramaphosa's life harder than Zuma's. The current president of Africa as bad as his predecessor.

"What we were doing with Zuma was a picnic, wait and see what's going to happen with Ramaphosa, what we're going to do to white monopoly capital this year, let's see."

EFF leader Julius Malema addresses a rally in the Eastern Cape. Image: EFF Twitter

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