Malema slams "Indian supremacists", says whites get peace in exchange for land – The Citizen


In his speech on the Fifth Anniversary of the EFF at the Sisa Dukashe Stadium in East London on Saturday, the party's Commander-in-Chief, Julius Malema, denounced racism perpetrated by whites and Indians.

Malema said, "We went to Durban on the occasion of our fourth birthday and I visited a factory where the Indians were present. The mention of Indians may be controversial given that Malema has already been accused of racism towards the South African Indian population before.

At the EFF youth celebrations in the Northwest earlier in the year, Malema climbed onto the podium and told a large crowd: "[The] the majority of Indians hate Africans, [the] the majority of Indians are racist, and we must never be afraid to say that they are ra

READ MORE: Malema dragged in court over comments on the Indians

"I do not say all the Indians, I say the majority of them," he added, 19659002] Many have objected to his comments at the time. At the time, saying that his statement that Indians are racist themselves is racism.

Malema also had strong words against white racists

"When I was in London, visited a factory Nestle and there is a man who calls the black people of the monkeys, we went to Nestle and gave them a week to negotiate with Kobus, otherwise they will have a H & M situation in their hands, "warned the firebrand politician.

Malema mentioned that he had problems with white supremacy. branch to the white population of South Africa, on one condition – they make the land.

"I want to tell the whites that no one will come against them, I want to make a clarion call to tell them that they should give us the land and they will know peace."

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