Malema slams the "tainted" Eastern Cape government in a fiery speech


East London – Economic Freedom leader Julius Malema on Saturday criticized the Eastern Cape government for "neglecting" the people of the province

addressing a large crowd in the Sisa Dukashe stadium. Mdantsane in East London In Eastern Cape, on the occasion of the fifth anniversary celebrations of the EFF, Malema said that the Eastern Cape had produced "giants of the struggle for liberation", but that the current government led by the African National Congress was corrupt.

# EFFTurns5 Malema: Today, the electricity rates in Buffalo City are expensive because they're trying to make this city a subway and for it. a metro, they must generate some income and therefore increase electricity rates.

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica)
July 28, 2018

Malema was referring to the saga of the Amathole toilets, which was later irregularly granted and finally canceled.

"These politicians have stolen money through their families and when you seek them you will find them in the cabinet called a new dawn If you do not know a mud school, if you do not know a toilet In a school, become a tourist at [the] Eastern Cape and you'll see how the mud schools look like, you'll see what the toilet looks like from the pit. "

# EFFTurns5 Malema: There is huge corruption in this city of Buffalo because the ANC members are hiring their own family members, that they are hiring their girlfriends and boyfriends.

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica)
July 28, 2018

He claimed that the municipality of Buffalo City was the most corrupt. "There is a huge corruption in this city of Buffalo because the ANC members are hiring through parents," Malema said.

EFF leader Julius Malema (right), his deputy Floyd Shivambu, and the spokesman of the FEP, Mbuyiseni Ndlozi, greet the supporters of the EFF. Photo: ANA

"If you are not a member of their family, they will never hire you, they will hire their own boyfriends and girlfriends … When you want a job and you are a woman, they want to sleep with you first in Buffalo City before they give you a job. "

[In Case You Missed It]: Watch @Julius_S_Malema telling the crowds that we are going to die at Revolution # EFFTurns5 / G1AXxFwUdJ

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica)
July 28, 2018

Buffalo City should not have become a metropolitan municipality because it had increased rates for people dependent on government subsidies.

"Today, we have an extremely high cost of electricity in Buffalo City because they wanted to turn it into a metro, and for it to be a metro, it has to generate a special income.They did electricity [expensive] and now these old men and women can not even afford electricity with this money from Sbada [South African Social Security Agency]. money to people and come at night to steal this money in the name of electricity? ", said Malema

African News Agency / ANA

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