Malema's warning to Patrice Motsepe: "We are watching you"


The leader of the EEF, Julius Malema, brandished Saturday firearms against businessman Patrice Motsepe, accusing him of being a threat of capture d & # 39; State.

He made these remarks during a speech at Mdantsane. 19659002] "Hey, there's a new capture here led by Patrice Motsepe," he said before a large crowd gathered at the Sisa Dukashe stadium

"We want to warn Patrice Motsepe – we're watching you, even We've watched the Guptas: "Stop doing what you do, it's unacceptable," said the founder of the EFF

Malema added that "we love you Patrice, you are our brother", but "greed will make us beat you and we will fight very hard – because we know where your mines are and we will recover these mines."

# EFFTurns5 Malema: We love Patrice, he is our brother but if he continues in his greed, we will fight him.

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica) July 28, 2018 [19659007] # EFFTurns5 Malema: I warned against the Gupta in 2011. I say it as I say now as I say about Motsepe, he I did not believe myself. The Motsepe are also doing the same thing now

– # EFFTurns5 (@EFFSouthAfrica) July 28, 2018

In particular, he warned that Motsepe's ties with President Cyril Ramphosa and the Minister of Finance have not been met. Jeff Radebe's energy – who are married to Motsepe sisters – was dangerous.

"South Africa has not elected Patrice Motsepe as president."

Malema's criticism for Ramphosa did not stop there.

He also alleged that Ramaphosa was "not responsible" for the country – instead, the Minister of Public Enterprises Pravin Gordhan and former Finance Minister Trevor Manuel had it.

They planned to privatize state-owned enterprises, Malema said, adding that the EFF would not only guarantee that this would never happen – it would also nationalize mines and banks.


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