Manana resignation of a tactic to avoid taking responsibility in Parliament – DA


Manana was scheduled to appear before the Joint Committee on Ethics and the Interests of Members of Parliament of the ANC and former Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Mduduzi Manana, to voluntarily resign from Parliament. Wednesday, an appearance that he will have more to do after resigning on Tuesday.

"Now he seems to have jumped before being pushed, resigning less than 24 hours before having to face the ethics committee," said DA Chief John Steenhuisen, in a statement. abuser, to account then it belongs to his party, the ANC, to hold him responsible. "

Manana was convicted of three counts of badault with intent to cause serious bodily harm in September 2017.

Manana badaulting a woman in Cubana at Fourways, Johannesburg, August 6, 2017, which is became viral on social media and aroused demands for arrest.

NPA will not pursue the most recent badault charges [19659002] It admitted during the judicial proceedings that & ### He had also badaulted two other people, saying that the women had called him "isitabane", a term used pejoratively to describe homobaduals.

The Randburg Court ordered Manana to pay a fine of 100 000 rands 12 months in jail for inci Cubana bump.It was also ordered to complete 500 hours of community service, complete a rehabilitation program and pay the victims a total of 26,680, 46 rand [19659002] More recently, allegations have been made that Manana allegedly badaulted her maid, Christine Wiro. would have tried to push Wiro up the stairs in May. The charges were withdrawn later.

An audio clip came out shortly after Manana attempted to bribe Wiro with R100 000 to drop the charges. He subsequently denied the bribery charges, claiming that he intended to file a complaint against the domestic worker for extortion.

Monday, the National Prosecution Authority (NPA) said that she refused to sue Manana for alleged abuse of Wiro.

Call for the Removal of Manana from ANC Positions

In a statement posted on her Facebook page, Manana stated that she made the decision in light of the decision of the NPA "

" I must reiterate that the allegations against me were clearly frivolous and that they originated in a politically motivated smear campaign by my political opponents, "he said in a statement. the statement. ] "I welcome the decision of the NPA who has released me and I feel totally exculpated."

Steenhuisen said that if the ANC was really serious about ending the scourge of violence against women and children, he would send Manana back to his internal ethics committee and remove him from all functions that he currently holds in the party, including his membership in the National Executive Committee of the ANC.

"The DA is concerned that Manana's resignation" Steenhuisen

Steenhuisen also rejected Manana's decision to donate part of her pension to charitable causes, Steenhuisen said. would not destroy the emotional and physical harm suffered by his victims.

More than R1.5m of donations

He accuses Manana of having attempted to sell his resignation as an altruistic act while In fact it was "nothing more than an attempt to avoid the consequences of its approaching Women's Month, the ANC has the ## 147 ##, ##########################################################>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This is an opportunity to show that he takes seriously the fight against violence against women by abducting Manana. "

Manana said that he would donate part of his pension to listen to the rallying appeal of President Cyril Ramaphosa

He will donate 1,000,000 Rands to Khuluma Ndoda, a social movement of men against gender-based violence, to be launched on August 1, R500,000 to the Nceduluntu Youth Foundation's "OneMillionPads" campaign, and a scholarship opportunity for five male students at S & # s Enroll in the University of South Africa for postgraduate programs in gender studies.

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