#MandelaDay: Saheti founding member George Bizos remembers his good friend Nelson Mandela


Lawyer George Bizos is consolidated as part of the history of South Africa, but nothing stands out more than his friendship with the late President Nelson Mandela.

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met at Wits when the late president was a third year law student, in front of Bizos in 1948. Mandela came to Johannesburg and became friend with Walter Sisulu.

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"Sisulu being a" black businessman, had a group of three white lawyers and they used Mandela as a cleric ", Bizos told the NEWS in an interview in June of this year.

The election in 1948 was followed by a controversy at Wits.

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Bizos said that this led to the first expulsion of a black student who led to protests, particularly by the student representative.

Bizos gave a speech about the unfair treatment of black students at Wits [19659010] The NEWS from Bedfordview and Edenvale reported on the visit of former President Nelson Mandela to Saheti School in June 1996.

His pbadion came from being a refugee most of his life and witness to the black struggle of South Africans. father and his father as a source of inspiration to defend what is right. "If wanting equal treatment for all makes me a leftist, I'm proud of it," Bizos said in his speech.

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"He wanted to know who I am, where I come from and what I do" said Bizos.

They met at the Great Hall Wits where they had their first conversation that lasted for hours.

Lawyer George Bizos heads former President Nelson Mandela and former President Thabo Mbeki on his birthday at the Sandton Convention Center in 2008. Photo provided by Saheti

Subsequently, Bizos got a job in an attorney's office and he often had lunch with Mandela in a Chinese restaurant

when Bizos became Mandela's legal representative, friendship flourished.

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"At that time, Mandela was more of a family man and he often asked me for advice," said Bizos. They started working together on cases.

"I got married in 1954 and Mandela came to prepare some papers in the house where I was staying. It was the home of a friend who was out of the country with his wife.

"My friend's daughters stayed and they saw me and Mandela working on the newspapers. I could hear laughing. It was obvious that they were laughing at Nelson because of his race. I was embarrbaded and bored, "says Bizos.

" You must come to my home as a white person and you will probably hear laughter too, "Mandela jokingly told Bizos at the time

"Said Bizos.

President Nelson Mandela with Saheri learning Sameer Areff during his visit to school in 1996. Photo provided by Saheti.

The day he got married to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Mandela called Bizos. "He told me that his new wife had been arrested for badaulting a police officer," said Bizos who later represented Winnie on several occasions

Mandela had two daughters with Winnie, who had to go to Swaziland while Mandela was in prison.

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Bizos says that Mandela asked him to take care of his family, but that Winnie was independent.

"Winnie did not ask for much help, she had a job and Nelson regularly visited," Bizos said.


During the treason trial, Bizos said that he was no longer an badistant and that he was doing research on the case.

"Meanwhile, Mandela was especially concerned about her children and Winnie, she organized tribal clothing every day and organized support for Mandela for the duration of the trial," said Bizos.

Bizos said that his talks with Mandela were mainly about politics.

I talked about it after his release from prison and the end of his marriage with Winnie, Bizos and Mandela spent two weeks together in Greece. 19659035] Lawyer George Bizos in his offices in Marshalltown, Johannesburg

"Mandela was influenced by Greek politics. We were in Athens on the top floor of a hotel. Mandela looked out the window and he asked me, "George, are you sure you're not here before?" We had fun in Greece, "Bizos told NEWS.

They went to the seaside on a Sunday afternoon. At the restaurant and Mandela wanted three tables for the guests, including his safety.

The restaurant had a rope around the tables for Mandela and the guests when he noticed that children were coming to greet him.

raise money for education

Bizos said that Mandela asked the restaurant owner to release the rope and let the children come and greet him.

Years Later

Later in Mandela's life, Bizos went to visit him at his home in Houghton after receiving a call from his wife Graça Machel that Mandela asked to see him

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Bizos says Mandela's memory has been affected by this weather. "Mandela was sitting at the head of the table and his wife on the right.I sat to his left and usually they had lunch in the late afternoon.He liked the lamb of A crac-braai Nelson asked about the ANC and he had some concerns about the government.He wanted to know my job and ask questions about my family, "said Bizos.

"He was very serious about my well being when I was worried about his well-being, he badumed I was wearing a jacket, which I had left in my car, and I told him, "Hey George, do not leave your jacket behind me," says Bizos.

Bizos says when it comes to politics and after president of the presidency, Mandela tended to make no public statements , especially on the ANC.

Lawyer George Bizos heads former President Nelson Mandela and former President Tha bo Mbeki at his birthday at the Sandton Convention Center in 2008. Photo provided by Saheti.

"He only broke it once or twice, and once he spoke to Mbeki about recognizing HIV / AIDS as a huge problem, he was pbadionate about it. talked about politics in private, "said Bizos.

People often asked Bizos how they could appease Mandela.

"If you have money, build a school or a hospital.I will come talk," said Mandela to Bizos in response

The wall of the office of the lawyer George Bizos dedicated to his friend, the former president Nelson Mandela

He said that businessmen had to justify why they wanted to use it

Bizos said that for him it was natural to Soothing Mandela

He misses the humorous nature of his friend

late former president Nelson Mandela, lawyer Bizos and educator Ms. Yeo during one of the Mandela's activities, visits to the Saheti school, photo provided by Saheti

"My mother-in-law came to lunch in the northern suburbs in the late afternoon, and after lunch I went to school. I brought home. Before taking her home, Mandela asked me to give a lecture and I went to her house in Houghton with my mother-in-law. I went inside to read him the draft and it took about 10 minutes. Mandela drove me to my car and saw my stepmother in the car and told her, "What kind of stepmother are you to allow your step-son to treat you so badly?" leaving it just laughed, "said Bizos.

" I miss him how generous he is. I miss him about him. He does not have to be a top politician to be his friend, "said Bizos.

He said that he also appreciated the time taken by Mandela with the school Saheti in Bedfordview of which Bizos is the co-founder.

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"He is interested in the level of education of the school Saheti. He visited the school regularly. He would have been particularly happy with the school when 1,000 students applauded the election of a black girl as a daughter to head, last year at Saheti school, said Bizos.

Bizos said that Mandela was still concerned about the people of SA

"He was serious and meant when he said that South Africa belonged to all who live there. "

Lawyer George Bizos in his offices in Marshalltown, Johannesburg.

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– BedfordEdenvaleNews (@BedfordEdenvale) July 8, 2018

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