Nigeria releases another citizen killed in South Africa


Another Nigerian was killed in South Africa. Ozumba Tochukwu-Lawrence was reportedly killed by a gunman on July 6.

The Mission of Nigeria to South Africa condemned the murder.

The Consul General of Nigeria in South Africa made this known in a statement. Information and culture, David Abraham, Sunday in Abuja

M. Abraham said that the Consul General had painfully received the unfortunate news of the badbadination of Tochukwu-Lawrence by an aggressor still to be identified

. It was reported that on July 6 in Koppe, Middleburg, Mpumalanga, South Africa.

"Eyewitness reports that an unknown man entered Mr. Ozumba Tochukwu-Lawrence's compound and asked to see"

"After being informed of his guest, he is went out to meet him and the man opened fire on him and shot him six times, causing his death before he could reach the hospital.reason behind the sad incident still needs to be established, but this He said that the consulate had compbadion on the family of the deceased and, in fact, of the entire Nigerian community of South Africa.

The consulate, he said, also called the South African authorities. "

" The police and other competent bodies should endeavor to apprehend the aggressor and bring him to justice. "

" We also call our nationals to cooperate with the relevant authorities. "The Nigerian Consulate will continue to promote the welfare and the safety of Nigerians in South Africa. "

" We also call on our citizens to remain calm and avoid violence, as we seek justice for the deceased and his family, "he said. .

In his reaction, Abike Dabiri-Erewa, special badistant to the President for Foreign Affairs and Diaspora, expressed his concern the murder of

Ms. Dabiri-Erewa in a short message sent to the Agency of Nigeria's press (NAN) Sunday in Abuja described recent badbadinations as regrettable.

"All requests should be addressed to Foreign Minister Geoffrey Onyeama who has promised to take decisive action with the new Foreign Minister in South Africa."

Ms. Dabiri-Erewa expressed her disappointment as for an early warning signal put in place by the two ministries.

She stated that no fewer than 117 Nigerians had been extrajudicially killed in South Africa between 2016 and 2018 for blatant reason or the other.

She said that many others have followed since then.

The Nigeria Agency (NAN) reports that the killing of Nigerians in South Africa had been increasing lately.

Before the last, there was the killing of ThankGod Okoro, allegedly shot in Hamburg, Florida West Rand. , Johannesburg, April 9, 2018, by the Flying Squad of the South African Police

There was also the murder of Clement Nwaogu in April, a father of two who was burned alive by his attacker

. Nigerians in South Africa triggered a number of protests

To claim justice on behalf of their fallen compatriots, 14 protesters were taken into custody and drug traffickers [19659023] (NAN)

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