NPA abandons the case of aggression against Mduduzi Manana


Former Deputy Minister of Education, Mduduzi Manana, will not be prosecuted for badaulting his servant

"There is no chance of success," said Monday the spokesman of the National Authority of Prosecutions, Phindi Mjonondwane. "An independent eyewitness who was presumed on the scene does not corroborate the complainant's version," Mjonondwane said.

TimesLIVE revealed a recording in May in which Manana was heard pleading with her servant. to do something "to make the case go away."

TimesLIVE reporter had witnessed the bargain.

In conversation, recorded under a tree at Douglasdale Police Station in Johannesburg where Christine Wiro had opened a case of aggression against Manana, we could hear him talking in a He asked Wiro to tell the station commander that she was not pursuing the case.

In the recording, we hear Manana say: "Please. Ngiyanicela [please] … I say, just to console myself, just to occupy umama because what she feels is a humiliation, I can give her some consolation. The money she needs, the money she was earning. I can comfort her to take care of her health, of her family. At least a hundred.

"It does not end our relationship but it continues, it's the consolation that I'm trying to get.Listen, mom, I know you worked only two weeks but I I am willing, just for humiliation, to give this consolation.Then we can continue with our relationship. "

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