Packed and started, but alive – President Prasa


Police are investigating a case of kidnapping and embezzlement after interim president Khanyisile Kweyama of the Pbadenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) was sprayed on pepper Thursday and taken to the boot of his car.

Kweyama is also Chairman of Brand SA's Board of Directors and sits on the boards of Telkom and SABC.

She was appointed to the Prasa Board almost three months ago. The second leader of Prasa was hijacked during this period

The Acting Director General of the time, Lindikhaya Zide, was also hijacked and thrown into the boot of his car.

Diversion Occurred Near Her Home at Houghton Estate »

Kweyama spokeswoman, Mathatha Tsedu, said," When she entered Houghton, a BMW sedan hit her two. " times from behind. When she came out to inspect, she was sprinkled with pepper and bundled in the trunk of her car by two pirates

"They drove with her for hours before dropping the car into the car. back, at Katlehong near Prasa, Kwesine. "

The suspects were running away with his purse, cell phone and two iPads belonging to SABC and Brand SA respectively.

Kweyama said, "The men told me that they only needed money and" For the people who spent three hours with me lamenting their poverty and by pointing out their need for money, it is strange that they eventually left without this money. "[19659002] She is grateful to the people of Katlehong, who helped her by ensuring her safety and security. finding his family after the test.

Prasa has been the subject of widespread corruption across a number of tender offers. investigate and reverse some of the It is known that Colonel Noxolo Kweza, spokesman for the police, has shaken the feathers of a number of special interests: "I can confirm that we are investigating a case of kidnapping. and hijacking. "

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