PICS: Four men caught and stolen property recovered after a stolen business


Cape Town – Four men were arrested, one of whom was injured during the incident, shortly after a jewelry store was stolen Friday at Mitchells Plain in Cape Town , said the Western Cape police

. Police arrested four men who robbed a mall in Mitchell & Plain [on Friday]said Sergeant Noloyiso Rwexana.

Police responded to the robbery of a jewelery store. According to reports, the four men used a hammer to break the window and steal watches and jewels before they ran away

"Police chased the suspects, and a bullet that wounded a suspect "[Police officers] sued the fourth suspect, who was also arrested, and bags containing jewelery, watches, cell phones and the hammer used for burglary were seized. Gloves, a mask and a jacket, likely belonging to one of the suspects, were also found near the crime scene. "

The four men were between 22 and 30 years old. Once they had been charged, they appeared at the Mitchell Magistrate's Court, Rwexana said:

African News Agency / ANA

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