Ramaphosa steals investments at the #ANCGP conference


Johannesburg – ANC President Cyril Ramaphosa promised that his willingness to attract 1.3 trillion rand or 100 trillion dollars of investments in the country would help provinces like Gauteng to cope with rising unemployment, poverty and inequality. the elective provincial conference of the Gauteng ANC in Irene, Centurion earlier Friday in which he managed to get support from the ANC, especially Prime Minister David Makhura.

Ramaphosa and Makhura agreed that corruption was likely to drive out future investors and opportunities in the country.

Both also promised to help each return billions that would have been stolen by the Guptas and "siphoned" out of the country.

Already, Ramaphosa has earned $ 20 billion in a short time since the announcement of the investment campaign a few weeks ago.

He told delegates that he was determined to approach more countries and attract investment to the country. want Gauteng to have a fair share of the investment. The investment has to spread throughout the country. We must keep in mind those of our people who remain unemployed and who are denied the opportunity to play a meaningful role in the overall economy of our country. Gauteng is a major destination for investment, "said Ramaphosa.

He said that the economic emancipation of all our people" is a responsibility that history has placed on our shoulders and we dare not fail. "determine what practical steps it needs to make it a reality.

" It's incumbent on us to take advantage of the infrastructure, skills, and capabilities that are available the province to attract even greater investment, both within the country and abroad. "We must ensure that this investment benefits our people by creating jobs, especially for young people, "he said.

Ramaphosa said his party needed to pay attention to the province's spatial development." We also need to bring our people closer, especially the poor and the clbad. workers, economic centers We applaud the work undertaken by the Gauteng Provincial Government to provide people with land for housing in large urban areas.

"In addition to the construction of suitable housing in well-located areas, we should also provide services to people. He added that his party should continue and accelerate the process of staffing the title deeds as part of its efforts of land redistribution and "fight against badet poverty."

Ramaphosa said that ANC members and its Alliance partners should play a supportive role in the projects of the ANC. 39 local infrastructure, ensuring their smooth implementation and ensuring that they benefit local communities in many communities.The radical economic transformation means taking steps to reach all project targets in order to benefit the people "We must act decisively against those who are involved in activities that disrupt these projects," he said.

ANC members stop being part of violent local protests because they undermine the stability of our democracy, cause damage to property and cause conflict.

"Our members should rather be at the forefront of finding solutions to community problems." This is important because our people are turning to this conference not for ideological statements, but to clarify how their lives will change for the best, "said Ramaphosa

Political Bureau

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