Ranger killed by alleged poachers in Kruger National Park – The Citizen


South African National Parks (SANParks) announced Thursday the deadly shooting related to the poaching of a Ranger Field in Kruger National Park, reports Lowvelder.

According to reports, the guard and his colleagues contacted a group of poachers. they had followed the K9 unit. As they approached the group, gunshots were exchanged and the ranger was badly wounded in the upper body.

READ MORE: Arrest of Kruger National Park rangers suspected of poaching rhinoceros

him, but he unfortunately succumbed to his injuries en route to the hospital.

Reacting to the news, the CEO of SANParks Fundisile Mketeni expressed his condolences. "We would like to express our deepest condolences to his immediate family, colleagues and badociates."

"Our prayers accompany these people during this difficult time.It's never easy to cope with the loss of a loved one, especially in this way.We lost a dead patriot in service who protected the South African property and was well trained to defend himself, hence our shock to learn this incident.We will draw strength from his contribution to the anti-poaching campaign and like his colleagues, we We will continue where he stopped in the memory of his memory.Our immediate concern now is to support the family with their needs.We are extremely saddened by this incident, "concluded Mketeni

. The deceased's name can not be disclosed at this time because his relatives have not been informed of his death and his colleagues are receiving trauma counseling.

SAPS is currently conducting other investigations.

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