Sassa wants Concourt to take care of CPS


The Constitutional Court has been asked to send payroll services (PSC) employees who imprison Post Office officials – threatening them, for example, with a weapon – to the migration of social grants to the new payment system.

The Social Security Agency of SA (Sbada) wants incidents of CPS and its affiliates to disrupt, interfere with or deny access to grant payment points to post offices and public servants. the agency said in the contempt of court

. Court, Sbada, CPS and Post have the constitutional obligation to ensure that social grants are paid to more than 17 million beneficiaries and must therefore cooperate in the migration process without any disruption by an official and / or agents from CPS and

Sbada also wishes that the Threat Warning Notice for anyone interfering with the migration process be posted at all social subsidy payment points across the country.

La Poste resumed part of the social subsidy function of the complete withdrawal of SPC at the end of September

In his founding affidavit, Sbada Executive Director Abraham Mahlangu stated that he had received reports and information that officials or agents of the SPC refuse or prevent employees of post offices and Sbada to access payment points and perform their usual tasks to accelerate the migration of recipients of social grants from CPS to the Post Office. if the appropriate steps are not taken, the oversight statute of the Honorable Court (Concourt) to ensure Sbada and Minister (Social Development Susan Shabangu) comply with their obligations and commitments to meet their migration time of the recipients of social grants from CPS to the post office will be undermined, "reads in the affidavit of Mahlangu.

He warned that this could further impede the implementation of the court-ordered remedies earlier this year when he extended the illegal contract of CPS until the end of September. According to Mahlangu, negative media reports on the migration process could affect its integrity if it is not handled by an appropriate corrective order. He cited several incidents between May and June when postal officials were threatened or hunted or when SPC employees threatened to stop paying subsidies.

Last month in Mpumalanga, an employee of the post office saw guards they should not enter the scanning area of ​​the map where the postal officials were sitting.

In May, two senior officials of the Post Office Department visited a payment point in the Free State to monitor the card exchange process, but they were evicted by security guards and forced to stop taking pictures. given identification of the security guards and informing them of the purpose of their visit. The security guards told the postal officials that their boss had ordered them to remove all the employees from the post office.

At another point of payment, also in the Free State, another postal official was stolen and unable to work. As a result, Mahlangu added that the official was not able to perform his duties and that security guards were told to chase all employees of the Post Office.

He described SPC officials as aggressive and intimidating to public servants and beneficiaries. . But Herman Kotze, director of CPS and CEO of Net1, his parent company, said the order requested by Sbada was unjustified and inappropriate.

"CPS has not deliberately disobeyed or refused the execution of this court's order," Kotze said. He blamed Sbada for not complying with the security measures that CPS is observing at the payment points it manages.

"CPS simply acted in accordance with the security protocol that he advised Sbada to maintain at payment points where large sums of money." He said that between April and April In June, at 7457 Sbada outlets served by CPS, the company paid more than 9.1 billion rand to 1,730 field agents and under the supervision of 2,500 security guards. f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {
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