Ladies and Gentlemen, Media
Welcome to this important point press session. We welcome the Provincial Advisory Forum on Health, where various stakeholders have come together to be part of the solution to our challenges.
The Forum also serves to inform health actors about the state of health services, the progress of the intervention, the financial performance of the Ministry since the entry into force of the l 39; paragraph 100 (1) (b) which allowed the Department to be administered.
We also called you today in the middle of this Health Advisory Forum because we believe that we are a very important player as a member of the media. In recent months, we have responded to a number of questions concerning the Northwest Health Department. I know at this point you want to know where we can bring stability to the delivery of health services that our people desperately need.
We come from a difficult time that our province has not known. at a time when we witnessed sustained labor disputes, community protests and disruptions in our facilities. We have learned some difficult lessons but, as a department, we are always ready to meet the contract commitment we have signed with the people of the province and the country who put us in government to guide them in the provision of quality health services.
As leaders at all levels of government, we were always available to make decisions that led to the initiation of investigations against all allegations raised by employees about a number of questions raised about the department
. before the Portfolio Committee on Health and Social Development and the Public Accounts Committee on a number of occasions since allegations of wrongdoing by the department surfaced. We also appeared before the national parliament. We are a responsible ministry and we had to be there to report on the progress.
There is no doubt that the ministry will not be able to provide quality health services to unsatisfied employees. It is for this reason that we will continue to work with the administrator to address the challenges facing our employees at the provincial office administration level and the hidden face of service delivery across the province. districts. The administrator, Ms. Jeanette Hunter, is already at work to meet the challenges facing our employees.
The team developed the health sector response plan for the province. The plan identified areas of intervention and began implementing intervention plans in the identified areas. These include areas of financial management, particularly for irregular expenses and accrued liabilities.
Supply chain management characterized by an irregular supply chain and material deviation from procurement practices have been identified as leading to fiscal risks that eventually deplete the department's resources. .
The team identified mismanagement of contracts, including major contracts like Mediosa and Buthelezi. We can announce now that the Mediosa contract has been canceled. With respect to the Buthelezi EMS and the EMS Intensive Care Unit, the North West Department of Health has reviewed the scope of work of these two contracted private ambulance service providers. We have asked these two service providers to carry out inter-facility transfers to allow ambulances to focus on emergency situations.
Effective June 1, 2018, private ambulance service providers will only answer calls when necessary. staff within the department. Private service providers will only be used in cases where provincial government resources are over-stretched. We do this because they are order-based contracts and contracts are nearing completion. We also purchased and subsequently recorded 40 new ambulances that will fill the gap when we have revised the field of application of private ambulances
We have extended the suspension of the HOD to allow the investigation and give time to a disciplinary process. 19659016] All matters raised by the Nehawu Union with respect to requests and matters of concern are handled by the intervention team badisted by the department management team, including the Performance Management System (PMDS). a difficult time and it seemed like we were doomed, it is important to remember where we come from. This department has a good track record. Just five years ago, the North West Department of Health was the second in Western Cape for the provision of health services and good resource management across the country
. the country to treat an XDR patient. We are now able to carry out operations of brain cancers, spine and stomach operations and no longer having to take patients to Gauteng for this. Through a partnership between Klerksdorp-Tshepong Hospital, Job Shimankana Tabane Hospital, and Netcare Ferncrest, cardiac catheterization was successfully performed in a patient conducting the very first heart surgery in the province.
Twenty (20) other patients with heart disease since seen successful cardiac operations and resumed their normal productive lives. The same competent health professionals and dedicated support staff at the level of the administration and in our facilities are always with us. Much more can still be done!
I believe that he is now recovering to provide quality services to the people of the province.
Thank you!
Issued By: North West Health
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