South Africa plans to toughen gaming laws


While gaming laws in South Africa have traditionally been controversial, it appears that the authorities plan to toughen them in the near future. This will undoubtedly provoke an enormous amount of debate and disagreement in the months to come.

Gambling in South Africa

While gambling reformers want the market to open up, extra income can be generated, traditionalists want to make sure the restrictions are continued. In most cases, online casinos are banned in South Africa. This has led to a growing black market, as South African gamblers are forced to use various tips to access online gambling sites that are abroad and still accept South African customers.

A general ban on gambling was repealed in 1994 through the National Gambling Act in 1996, an extensive licensing system was introduced. This meant that the National Gambling Board was the regulator of the industry and that the nine provinces of the country were licensed to license online sportsbooks and physical casinos. The 2004 National Gambling Act introduced greater freedom, but online casinos were still not legal.

Although physical casinos can reap many benefits from these changes, online sports betting is only allowed after obtaining the necessary licenses. are situated. An amendment to legalize all types of online games was proposed in 2008, but it has not been promulgated.

A 2010 court banned online casinos from offering their services to South African gamblers. these platforms. This rule even extends to sports betting. It is now illegal for South Africans to use an online gaming platform with an operator that is not licensed, controlled and regulated by the local provinces and the NGB.

Any party who violates these various laws is liable to severe penalties. a fine of up to £ 572,000 ($ 751,000) or even a term of imprisonment of up to ten years. However, most of those who still offer online games outside these restrictions are based abroad, which means that they can avoid these penalties.

That's why some big online casinos are always happy to deal with South African gamers. For legal gambling opportunities in South Africa, the most popular option is the national lottery; More than 80% of the legal population would buy a ticket for the draw each week. Sports betting is another hobby very popular in the region

Potential changes coming

A national gambling bill has been introduced by the Minister of Trade and Industry of the United States. South Africa, Rob Davies. Some legislators have been working since 2016; it proposes various modifications to the current legislation on the basic game in the country, as well as the hardening of some existing laws.

Many significant changes in this bill will undoubtedly lead to much debate and controversy in the country. The NGB would be repositioned so that it would be a national game regulator. Betting on dog racing and the operation of these races would be banned in the country. The regulations for the relevant lotteries and sports pools would be transferred to a new National Lotteries Commission.

The rules for casinos would be strengthened, and there would be stricter laws for bingo and limited payment machines. There would be a strict maximum number of bingo machines and licenses, a self-regulating organization for horse racing and new restrictions for gaming establishments and the location of ATMs. This includes a restriction on hidden and separate entrances for gambling-related establishments located in public places, such as shopping centers and gambling halls.

Any illegal gain will be confiscated and the proceeds will be paid to the national gaming regulatory body. There would also be widespread restrictions on gaming advertising if this amendment bill is pbaded.

A complete version of this bill is available here.

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