"South Africans Can not Expect Privileged Treatment Abroad"


In launching a campaign on travel security, Minister Lindiwe Sisulu cited the example of the 51 South Africans detained in China for violating local visa regulations.

Minister of International Relations and Cooperation Lindiwe Sisulu. Photo: Dirco

PRETORIA – The Department of International Relations and Cooperation has launched a campaign on travel security to educate South African travelers about their rights and the help they can get. expect from their officials overseas

Sisulu cited the example of the 51 South Africans detained in China for violating local visa regulations.

Sisulu says that 49 South Africans detained in China have returned home safe and sound. Two remained in detention because they are believed to have acted as recruiters.

Sisulu says that South Africans can not expect a favored treatment abroad. They must simply comply with local laws

They should be familiar with the political, economic, financial and cultural conditions in the countries of their destination.

They should also determine where are the South African representatives abroad and of-kin at any time

(Edited by Zamangwane Shange)

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