South Africans tired of minority-run businesses – Ramaphosa


South Africans are tired of seeing minority-run businesses, President Cyril Ramaphosa said on Saturday

"People are tired of seeing our country's businesses run by a minority. his business and we will give him the means to do it, "Ramaphosa said at the launch of his Thuma Mina campaign (send me) to Stanger, north of Durban on Saturday

. to ensure that black citizens become "serious business people". "We want them to run businesses and that they employ other people, we want economic empowerment and transformation to be on the agenda", a- he declared after handing over title deeds in the Stanger area

. We pledge that the dignity of our people is violated by the rule of apartheid, "said Ramaphosa


" Our people can give themselves ways, including the land, we are going to give land to our people, we will not talk about it, we have set up an interministerial committee for Let 's look at land renewal and reform, we are going to set up a work team of. experts who also do that.

"The slogans are now over, we will now give land to our people.It is the fulfillment of a promise made by the ANC because we are an organization of Listening, "he said.

Addressing increases in VAT and fuel, Mr. Ramaphosa reiterated that he had called on retailers and producers to curb price increases to "ease the burden" on the population. Ministers will meet with retailers to discuss a "package of measures" that could ease the burden on consumers.

Function of the African News Agency (ANA)

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