Spend a night in Mandela prison cell – if you have R4.1m to spare


For rich business leaders, fine dining, expensive wine and five-star hotels are standard.

But a demanding boss with a spare R4.1m will abandon the creature's comfort for a night in the cramped prison cell. It was the home of Nelson Mandela for 18 years

According to the organizers of the annual CEO's Retreat, an initiative that raises funds for various charitable organizations.

The first black president of South Africa was kept at Robben Island Prison in South Africa. Cape Town for much of his 27-year incarceration.

A night in his iconic concrete cell 8 feet by 7 feet (2.4 meters by 2.1 meters) will now be auctioned for charity on the occasion of the centenary of the anniversary Prisoner Number 46664.

"The suggestion was to auction the cell to raise funds to fund the Prison-to-College Pipeline … to educate detainees in South Africa," Liane McGowan said. CEO of SleepOut South Africa. the fundraising of one night only will take place, has not been finalized.

– Unusual Places –

Online auctions started at R3.4m and have already attracted three auctions, reaching R4.1m with the sale scheduled for July 16.

The winner will spend one night in Mandela's number seven cell, while up to 66 other bidders will sleep elsewhere in the island's jail which is now a museum and a World Heritage Site.

Museum management could not be contacted for comment. The Nelson Mandela Foundation stated that she was not part of the initiative and that she could not be responsible for the use of Mandela's cell.

Sixty-seven was chosen as Mandela devoting 67 years of his life to the fight against the racist system of apartheid. ruled South Africa until Mandela won the first non-racial democratic elections in 1994.

The initiative is part of the CEO's SleepOut movement that organizes parties in unusual places to rich business leaders to raise funds for charitable causes. The Island event will raise funds for the Prison-to-College Pipeline (P2P), a program that began in New York to help prisoners gain access to education at the university level. The P2P initiative will be launched in South Africa on July 18, Mandela's birthday

A similar event will take place on July 11 at the Liliesleaf Farm in North Johannesburg, which served as a refuge for several anti-apartheid fighters, notably Mandela

The base was attacked by the apartheid security forces in 1963 and several anti-regime rulers clashed with the courts during the so-called "Rivonia lawsuit" which resulted in the death of the police. imprisonment for life of Mandela

. night under the Mandela Bridge in central Johannesburg to raise awareness of poverty and homelessness.

The event was criticized online and in the media by some who accused it of making fun of those who were forced to sleep on the street

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