The company offers the R1m reward for information on the money-in-transit robbery



A few days after police minister Bheki Cele announced a sharp reduction in the number of burglaries, a security company is offering a huge reward for information. Are officials making enough progress to stop the recovery?

Great reward for info on the transit flight of Eastern Cape

In a statement released this weekend, SBV announces that it is offering a reward from R1m Cap Heist who has left two guards dead. The robbery took place in Tsolo on Friday

SBV says it's the exception to the loss of life and, therefore, offers the reward for the information that will lead to the Arrest and the successful conviction of thieves.

were money loading at an ATM when a group of armed men attacked them. If you are not in Tsolo, do not be afraid. SBV also offers R100 000 rewards for cache information as of Monday at Pietermaritzburg and Hammanskraal

According to SAPS, transit thieves were cut by more than half in June compared to May. In the first half of 2018, cash-in-transit burglaries were almost daily across the country. To make matters worse, they also seemed to become more violent.

"These flights were reduced by 61% in June 2018 compared to May 2018," said Minister Cele and Commissioner General of the Khehla National Police. John Sitole said in a joint statement

Fidelity, a prominent transit transit security company, also issued a statement expressing his reluctance to celebrate the reduction of caches

"This week alone, four incidents have There have been three vehicle attacks – one has occurred in the Eastern Cape and two in Bloemfontein, which is disturbing as the crime could simply disperse in other areas. "[19659011] If you have any information on any or all incidents, please contact SBV.

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