The conservation leader, Msimang, dedicates his prize to the "heroes of Islam" ousted


The former head of South African National Parks (SANParks) Mavuso Msimang was honored as one of the country's leading post-apartheid conservation leaders – but in a remarkable move he has immediately dedicated his prize to two "unsung heroes" last year, the direction of the first World Heritage Site of South Africa.

Msimang, 76, awarded the WWF Living Planet Award to Andrew Zaloumis and Terri Castis, who lost their respective positions as General Manager and CFO of the iSimangaliso Wetland Park. at the end of last year in circumstances that have not yet been fully explained.

The premature departure of Zaloumis was announced by the Minister of Environmental Affairs, Edna Molewa, ostensibly to allow her to finish her studies at the University of Cambridge. Casting left shortly after, without official explanation.

Msimang said that no one could claim the "magical success" of the iSimangiso Wetland Park in KwaZulu-Natal and neighboring community conservation programs as Zaloumis and Castis. 19659002] "By deep respect for these totally unknown heroes, I would like to dedicate this prize to them," Msimang said during her tribute to Johannesburg on Wednesday.

Msimang – a former member of the uMkhonto From 1966 to 1969, the military high command of WeSizwe, former president of the South African National Parks and Wetland Park Authority of Isimangaliso and current president of Corruption Watch (South Africa), said that he thought that there were no others parking in the country that had done so much for the conservation of the community as iSimangaliso.

Although he did not shed more light on why Zaloumis or Castis left Unexpectedly, Msimang said in prepared remarks that he intended to document the achievements of the park in the future, as well as "challenges and obstacles".

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