The economy, jobs and corruption dominate the Gauteng ANC conference


The ANC in Gauteng presented its defensive strategy to repel the DA in the province ahead of next year's general election.

The plan, which focuses primarily on alleviating the socio-economic challenges faced by Gauteng residents, the ANC provincial secretary, Hope Papo, said at a press conference on the "The state of readiness of the conference, that" the cardinal point of all the discussion papers is the specific challenges and economic issues facing the people of Gauteng. "He said the conference will also discuss issues of

Some of the issues that will inform party resolutions are how it will implement radical socio-economic transformation, create employment, spur investment; extirpate corruption, legalize zama-zamas (informal miners), review of the state of health care and the reduction of the cost of living.

Papo said that it is proven that the coali DA-led tion in subways like Johannesburg and Tshwane govern better than the ANC

"We believe that the notion that our adversaries can govern better than we is proven daily wrong, both in Tshwane and in Johannesburg. Our own members of the ANC Caucus in Tshwane and Johannesburg have a full mandate to give our opponents a run against their money … We will face our opponents, "he said.

The conference, which will also elect a new Sunday, Papo issued a stern warning to party members who filed legal disputes over the results of the regional conferences, saying that the province's executive committee will "defend the government." organization in all "We are confident that the courts will find in our favor because all procedures have been scrupulously followed," he said.

Earlier this month, disaffected members of the Sedibeng area branches filed an application in court. cancel the results of its regional conference.

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