The township of Nelson Mandela Bay runs the risk of running out of water


PORT ELIZABETH – KwaNobuhle Township in Uitenhage in Eastern Cape is at risk of running out of water.

Nelson Mandela Bay mayor, Athol Trollip, warned Wednesday that residents would feel the pressure in their pockets after the combined capacity of the subway's dam levels decreased to 19.27 percent.

"The water is about to become more expensive for everyone in the city," Trollip said at an urgent press briefing.

Trollip said that with the drought in the Eastern Cape, the city was facing a critical period, with the Kouga Dam currently being seriously compromised, with only about 7% of its capacity.

With water restrictions and the low level of the Kouga Dam, and limited extraction at the Loerie Dam, the KwaNobuhle area at Uitenhage is now at a real risk of missing out. water.

Residents of the city are currently restricted to using 50 liters of water a day, but Trollip said that if dam levels were to drop to 15%, residents would be encouraged to use even less.

According to director of water and sanitation, Barry Martin, the water restriction measures have had a positive effect on the catastrophic situation of water.

However, overall consumption still did not reach the desired target. During the last hydrographic year, daily consumption of less than 230 megalitres per day was required to achieve the targeted restricted allocation.

Martin stated that the limit had now been reduced to less than 220 megalitres in order to reach the target for the year.

"There is however a 60% water restriction of the Kouga Dam, which means that Loerie's extraction [Dam] is limited and that the KwaNobuhle area is likely to be lacking. 39, water, "said Martin.

However, Trollip said that thanks to the Nooitgedacht water plan, the city would not see a zero day by running out of water.

Trollip said that a meeting with Minister of Water and Sanitation Gugile Nkwinti was held earlier this week, Nkwiniti said that the completion phase three of the Nooitgedacht regime was a priority.

"The minister has identified this Eastern Cape region in crisis, one after the other and it has become apparent that we are all inextricably linked to this crisis – is affecting the neighboring municipalities drastically" , he said.

According to the metro, the construction of the third phase of the Nooitgedacht Low Level Scheme has been delayed for the period up to March of next year due to the reduced budget availability

Phase Three is implemented by Amatola Water with direct funding from the National Department of Water and Sanitation.

Trollip, meanwhile, has announced Several restrictive measures to be implemented in the city include that residential, institutional and government users in the metro will now be subject to Part C of the Schedule of Water Rates. [19659003] Commercial and undue users striels will also be subject to Part C of the Tariff Schedule, Trollip adding that municipal bylaws on water and sanitation would be enforced.

African News Agency (ANA)

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