Unions and DA applaud the exit of General Manager Mkuseli Apleni


Trade unions representing Interior Ministry workers, as well as the DA, said on Monday that the resignation of Director General Mkuseli Apleni was a relief and long overdue.

Apleni said Monday that he was leaving in the end S addressing reporters in Pretoria, Interior Minister, Malusi Gigaba, praised Apleni's contribution to the 39, improved financial management and service delivery to the department since his appointment in 2009.

Contrary to Gigaba's position, the Public Employees Association (APS) said that Apleni was unfit to run the department.

The tension between the director general and the unions arose in 2017 during a long judicial battle over unilateral change in his hours of work, which forced employees to "Apleni … will be remembered unfortunately PSA for its unfair implementation of weekend working hours without

"It has misappropriated taxpayers' money by dragging the PSA to all courts, including the Constitutional Court, and still lost" , said Vice President of PSA, Tahir Maepa

Suspension ]

Apleni's resignation comes a few months after his bitter struggle to retain his post in the department after Minister Hlengiwe Mkhize suspended him. "Mkhize accused him of insubordination and rupture of relations, among other charges – which he successfully fought in court.

Apleni a been reinstated in the department in novembr e 2017.

The National Union of Education, Health and Assimilation (Nehawu) said the resignation would "relieve" its members of Apleni's "reign of terror", which lasts for too long.

Nehawu described his management style as "authoritarian".

"The departure of the former director The general secretary of Nehawu Zola Saphetha

said that he would continue to hold Apleni responsible for the naturalization of five members of the Gupta family, despite his resignation. Mr. Apleni was Director General of Home Affairs when Mr. Gigaba approved the naturalization of the Gupta family, which was linked to corruption in the country.

During his ten years in office, Apleni chaired a series of disasters such as granting citizenship to several members of the Gupta family.National security was compromised when Gupta's wedding guests landed at Waterkloof Air Force Base in 2013, among others ", said Haniff Hoosen, spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior.

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