UPDATE: Police investigate criminal act after fire at Durban Mosque


Police cordoned off the mosque as the explosive unit sweeps the property. @ TeamNews24 pic.twitter.com/HxM6v9ICd7

– Kaveel Singh (@kaveels) July 25, 2018

"We do not know exactly what happened pbaded, but we "There was a burnt tire in the basement storage area," said Imam of the mosque, Yusuf Matola.

Matola said that the incident s & # 39; is produced just after the morning prayer at 05:55 .He was notified of the fire at 06:10

"When that happened, I was there, after the prayer, around 06:10 there were boos, there was a taxi driver who had helped. fire in the mosque. "

Matola said that he called for help and managed to extinguish the fire with the help of the community.

" The flames were very strong. "

According to a neighboring resident who did not want to be named, the Sunni mosque had never experienced violent incidents

" This is very surprising, it does not have a name. There is no crime in this street. "

Saleem Adam, a worshiper»

"This is a deliberate case of arson, we are very worried."

Police spokesman Lt. Col. Thulani Zwane said the damage was minimal

Police investigate a case of arson

"Our experts were on the scene [the] but nothing spicious was found. "

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