"What must be, will be" – From Lille in advance of the distrust movement


The mayor of Cape Town, Patricia de Lille, says that she feels positive before the next motion of mistrust in regard to her leadership in the city of Cape Town Council

and the chairman of the board, Dirk Smit, have to deal with the De Lille motion is the second presented by his own party that she will face the council this year, while the motion against Smit was tabled by the Congress African National Opposition.

The beleaguered mayor issued a brief statement on Twitter Wednesday, in anticipation of what might be his last day in power, if the motion ends.

"The motions of distrust in the past and this one were" I remain positive and I continue to give priority to the inhabitants of Cape Town, which must be the case. "

From Lille survived a similar motion of censorship in his leadership In February, MP JP Smith, who criticized De Lille's leadership over the last 12 months, said it would be very difficult to predict the outcome of the new motion against the mayor.

"I can only tell you that we do it, not because you know if it will succeed or not, but because it is the right thing to do. "

" The same conditions still apply, and the same reasons our [loss] confidently still applies. "

Smith said that it was impossible for the mayor to continue running the city after losing the support of 70% of his own caucus and following the many allegations against her this year.

was more confident about the motion against Smit, saying that he would probably be defeated.

He rejected the ANC's reasoning that Smit was not indulgent enough with the opposition for "absurdity." None of their advisors bought the ANC's "artificial" arguments against Smit, he said.

See also: & # 39; J & # 39; I asked for proof, not the report & # 39; – De Lille, DA TIFFE [19659002Lechefducaucusdel'ANCXolaniSotasheadéclaréàNews24lasemainedernièrequ'ilavaitperduconfianceenSmitaffirmantqu'ilavaitperdulecontrôlecesderniersmoissurdesproblèmesimportantstelsquelacrisedel'eauetunemotionvisantàréduirelespouvoirbadécutifs[19659002] With c On the basis of De Lille's motion of censure, Sotashe said their position had not changed, accusing the DA of taking another "short cut" to dismiss the mayor.

The ANC wants De Lille to stay on account of the many allegations against her in council and will not support the motion.

If the motion is accepted, De Lille will have to resign and the mayor's post that she will have appointed will be dissolved.

Deputy Mayor Ian Neilson will act as Acting Mayor and Council will have 14 days to appoint a new Mayor.

The council meeting will begin at 10:00 am The motions against De Lille and Smit will probably take place after lunch.

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