Woman declared "dead" after an accident found alive in a refrigerator of the morgue


JOHANNESBURG – The Paramedics of the Carletonville Gold Town in South Africa insist that they did everything in their power to determine if a car accident victim could be saved before declaring her dead. Hours later, she was found alive in the mortuary fridge

. The anonymous woman was certified dead by paramedics at the scene of a pile-up outside the city, southwest of Johannesburg, in the early hours of June 24.

The victim's car had rolled, throwing the three occupants out of the vehicle. Two other victims of the accident died on the scene and the woman was also dead.

"We did all the checks, breathe, jog, everything," Distress Alert operations director Gerrit Bradnick told ABC News. We have made our job to save lives, we are not declaring dead people alive.

After being taken to the morgue and placed in a refrigerator, the workers found her alive

. "Paramedics are trained to determine death, not us," said a source at the Carletonville morgue at Sowetan newspaper

: "You never plan to open a fridge and find someone you can." one here alive ". "Can you imagine if we had started the autopsy and killed her?"

Bradnick refused to give more details about the incident.

"The Department of Health came to investigate, so we were told not to"

Department of Health spokesman Dr. Paul Morule, confirmed the investigation and said that the result would be communicated to the regulatory authorities The woman's family was contacted, he said, but because of the confidentiality of the patient, neither the victim nor his family will grant interviews. 19659002] The South African news channel eNCA reported that the woman was in critical condition.The ambulance service launched its own investigation into the incident. </ P> <p> Bradnick said they would cooperate with the investigation of the ministry.

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