#Zuma makes a new legal team for the battle of the court


Durban – Former President Jacob Zuma returns to the High Court today – this time with a larger and larger legal team to fight his charges of bribery, money laundering and of racket that were served to him ten or so years ago.

In the late afternoon on Thursday, his new lawyer – Daniel Mantsha – could not be reached for comment

Zuma dismissed his longtime lawyer and friend, Michael Hulley, and his attorney Kemp J Kemp, and replaced them with the old one. Mantsha, an alleged badociate of the Gupta family.

Mantsha's name appeared in a series of Gupta emails revealed last year, which indicated that he was in touch with the Gupta when he was making certain decisions at Denel. According to Gupta's emails, it was found that Mantsha also sent his personal bills to the Gupta. However, it was never found if the family paid them.

It is understood from a short discussion with a receptionist at the law firm of Mantsha, who refused to disclose his name, it is expected that four senior lawyers and a junior lawyer News reports reveal that his new team includes Michael Hellens and Dawie Joubert – two senior lawyers who act for Zuma's son, Duduzane, and the Gupta family in the state's criminal cases. Other members of his legal team are Thabani Masuku, Muzi Sikhakhane and Sikhakhane's son, Mpilo, a deputy attorney

According to media reports, Hellens would have confirmed the names of the new legal team but refused to say how they were financed. ] In March, Zuma pleaded poverty when his lawyer at the time, Hulley, told the court that without state funding, the former president would not afford to defend oneself in court.

Hiring a new legal team will According to one source, Mantsha will receive nearly 300,000 rupees a day in the Battle of Zuma.

Zuma is still fighting to establish who will pay his bill – the taxpayers or himself? 19659002] The DA and the EFF filed lawsuits asking the state to stop funding Zuma – a task it has undertaken since 2006.

Zuma previously agreed with the presidency that the state should continue to finance his defense, but if he is convicted would have

President Cyril Ramaphosa and the Ministry of Justice do not oppose the DA's demands and the EFF, stating that they will comply with the court's decision.

Zuma missed a July 18 deadline to explain why he believes the state should continue to fund his defense. Meanwhile, Pietermatitzburg's Freedom Square was alive last night as supporters of Zuma gathered for a night vigil

People said they supported Zuma because he had opened the doors for appropriate treatment of HIV / AIDS. President and ARVs released, and today we are in good health. He has built us more solid cheap houses and that's why we are here to support him, "said Neli Thusini.

Another supporter, Siyabonga Ngqulunga, said that he had developed a Zuma's best appreciation after reading Gayton McKenzie's book Kill Zuma

"Gayton has shown that Zuma is a soldier who fights for the liberation of blacks by making sure that he's the only one in the world. South Africa is part of the BRICS. "19659002" Some people hate Zuma because he wants blacks to be independent of white people, "said Ngqulunga.

Political Bureau

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