Air pollution can damage the cardiovascular system of the fetus


air pollution, unborn baby, pregnant women

Air pollution affects the fetus and delays its growth and development. & Nbsp | & nbspPhoto: & nbspGetty Images

Washington: According to a study unveiled Monday, small invisible particles in air pollution inhaled by pregnant women could damage the unborn baby's cardiovascular system and delay its growth and development.

Researchers at Rutgers University in the United States have found that the beginning of the first quarter and the end of the third quarter are critical windows during which pollutants most affect the cardiovascular systems of the mother and fetus.

"These findings suggest that pregnant women, women of childbearing age and those who are undergoing fertility treatments should avoid areas known for high air pollution or stay indoors on high smog days in order to reduce their exhibition, "said Phoebe Stapleton, an assistant professor at Rutgers University.

"Pregnant women should also consider monitoring the quality of their indoor air," Stapleton said in a statement.
What the mother inhales affects her circulatory system, which continually adapts to provide adequate blood flow to the fetus as it grows, according to a study published in the journal Cardiovascular Toxicology.

Exposure to these pollutants can cause the constriction of blood vessels, restrict blood flow to the uterus and deprive the fetus of oxygen and nutrients, which can delay growth and development. This can also lead to common pregnancy complications, such as intrauterine growth restrictions.

The study examined how the circulatory systems of pregnant rats and their fetuses were affected by a single exposure to small titanium dioxide aerosols – a substitute for particles present in typical air pollution – during the first few years. second and third quarters.

The results were compared to pregnant rats exposed only to high efficiency filtered air. The researchers found that exposure to pollutants in early pregnancy had a significant impact on the circulatory system of the fetus, especially the main artery and umbilical vein.

Subsequent exposure had the greatest impact on fetal size because the mother's limited blood flow deprives the fetus of nutrients during this final stage. In non-pregnant animals, even a single exposure to these nanoparticles has been associated with impaired uterine artery function. The study found that a late exposure to pregnancy can limit maternal and fetal blood flow, which can continue to affect the child at adulthood.


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