All Michigan adults aged 16 and over will be eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine starting April 5


Michigan announced Friday that all residents aged 16 and over would become eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine on April 5, nearly a month before the May 1 date promised by President Joe Biden.

Related: Here’s When You’re Eligible To Get The COVID-19 Vaccine In Michigan

People aged 16 to 49 with certain medical conditions or disabilities will be eligible starting March 22, when people aged 50 to 64 can start getting vaccinated following a previous announcement. Two days later, on March 24, a federally-selected regional mass vaccination site will open at Ford Field in Detroit to administer an additional 6,000 doses per day for two months.

“The safe COVID-19 vaccine is the most effective way to protect yourself, your family and others from the virus,” Governor Gretchen Whitmer said in a statement. “It will help the country get back to normal and help the economy.

The United States expects to have enough doses for adults by the end of May, but Biden has warned that the process of administering those doses will take time. As of Wednesday, about 22% of Michigan’s population aged 16 and over had been fully or partially vaccinated.

Related: White House, State To Open Regional COVID-19 Vaccination Site At Ford Field

The state’s health department said it could take “several weeks” beyond April 5 for anyone who wants the vaccine to get an appointment.


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