All you think you know about cholesterol is wrong!


More than 16% of US adults have high cholesterol levels, defined at 240 mg / dL according to US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even the average level for Americans, 200 mg / dl, is high, they say.

Many health organizations insist that a high cholesterol level increases the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States.

Ellen Kamhi, Ph.D., however, says that this is not necessarily true. And other experts reveal information that goes against what most of us have learned about cholesterol over the years.

"This stated fact frightens millions of people to take statin-based drugs to lower their cholesterol levels," she says. "But cholesterol is actually an essential part of your body, used to produce cell membranes, steroid hormones, vitamin D and bile acids that your body needs to digest fats.

"Your brain needs cholesterol to function properly, just like your immune system, and if a cell is damaged, it needs to be repaired."

In fact, says Kamhi, author of "The Natural Medicine Chest," the manufacture of excess cholesterol is actually your body's response to inflammation, which helps with healing and repair of your cells.

"Many Americans have the impression that all cholesterol is bad, but in reality, cholesterol is good for your body and necessary for life," says Kamhi.

It also ignores the myth that eating high-fat foods increases cholesterol levels, clogging your arteries and leading to heart disease. In fact, a recent study found that there was no association between the intake of saturated fats and heart disease.

In addition, research has shown that eating high-cholesterol foods, such as eggs, is not what gives high cholesterol. According to the Harvard Heart Letter, it is a myth that all the cholesterol in eggs is found in the blood and arteries.

"For most people, only a small amount of cholesterol in food goes into the bloodstream," says Heart Letter. "The only major study to examine the impact of egg consumption and heart disease has revealed no link between the two."

Kamhi also asked another question: what is considered high cholesterol? According to the American Heart Association, anything above 200 mg / dl is considered high.

But according to Mary Enig, Ph.D., an expert in lipid biochemistry, in an article published in the quarterly magazine "Weston A. Price Foundation": "A blood cholesterol level between 200 and 240 mg / dl is normal. These levels have always been normal. In older women, serum cholesterol levels well above these numbers are also quite normal and, in fact, they have been associated with longevity. "

According to Kamhi, this means that many Americans could unnecessarily take cholesterol-lowering drugs based on statins, thinking that their cholesterol levels are dangerously high when that is not the case.

In fact, in an article published in "Business Week", Dr. James M. Wright, a physician and professor at the University of British Columbia, found that people over the age of 65 taking anti-cancer medications statin had no beneficial effect in preventing heart disease. their cholesterol levels decreased.

"Most people take something without chance of benefit and risk of harm," Wright said.

Risks associated with taking statin drugs include muscle problems, increased blood glucose levels, tendon problems, and liver enzymes, resulting in permanent liver damage. Nausea, diarrhea Abdominal pain, constipation, headaches and rashes are other known side effects.

Statins are also known to block the production of important nutrients in the body, including CoQ10, which is beneficial for heart health and muscle function. If the levels of CoQ10 are depleted, which is common in people taking statin-based drugs, this can actually cause heart failure.

"The best way to maintain healthy cholesterol is to reduce inflammation," Kamhi advises. "Your body tends to make more cholesterol when it is in a chronically inflamed state."

The inflammation is often the result of poor diet and the consumption of processed foods. For example, if you eat a lot of fast food, you probably have an increase in the levels of inflammation because pro-inflammatory foods include sugar, soft drinks, soft drinks, bread, trans fatty acids and red meat.

The best tips for reducing inflammation include:

  • Healthy eating with lots of raw fruits and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly
  • No smoking
  • Manage stress in your life
  • Limit alcohol

"You can also find natural detox products that can help rid your body of heavy metals and other toxins that it contains," says Kamhi. "These steps will help reduce chronic inflammation in your body, so that your cholesterol levels will naturally return to a healthy range – no medication is needed!"


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