An anti-vaxxer from Kentucky heard after school bans on chickenpox


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By Associated press

WALTON, Kentucky – An unvaccinated student from Kentucky will spend his day in court after filing a lawsuit because he can not participate in extracurricular activities during an outbreak of chicken pox.

The Courier Journal reports that Jerome Kunkel, 18, will be heard by the court on April 1.

The state's health department ordered unvaccinated students to stay away from the Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption church and the school of Notre-Dame-de-l'Assomption. its activities during the epidemic.

Kunkel's family founded the school and church, which oppose everything related to abortion. He says the vaccine violates his beliefs because it is produced from cell lines derived from fetuses aborted several generations ago. The National Catholic Bioethics Center said the vaccine was acceptable because it did not contain aborted cells.

Jeffrey C. Mando, a lawyer for the Ministry of Health, said that the state had correctly used his authority.

"The fact that I can not finish my last year in basketball, as in our last two games, is rather devastating, I mean, you spend four years playing basketball in high school, you're looking forward to your senior year" Kunkle told WLWT last week.


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