Aspirin May Help Prevent COVID-19 Infection, Study Finds


Taking aspirin on a regular basis can prevent people from getting infected with coronavirus, a new study finds.

Israeli researchers found that those who regularly took a low dose of the over-the-counter drug were 29% less likely to be infected with the virus, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The study, which was published in the FEBS Journal of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies, looked at data from 10,000 Israelis who were tested for COVID-19 between February 1 and June 30.

Researchers compared patients who regularly take a low dose of aspirin to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease to those who do not use the drug.

As well as being less likely to catch the virus, aspirin can also help reduce the length of the illness.

Test for the UK strain of coronavirus infection COVID-19, made at the Rospotrebnadzor Central Epidemiology Research Institute.
The study looked at data from 10,000 Israelis who were tested for COVID-19 between February 1 and June 30.
Photo agency Kommersant / Shutters

Aspirin users who contracted the virus experienced shorter episodes and were less likely to experience long-term symptoms.

Professor Eli Magen from Barzilai Medical Center said it could be due to the drug’s anti-inflammatory properties.

She said more research was needed to examine the benefits of aspirin in fighting the virus.

“This observation of the possible beneficial effect of low doses of aspirin on COVID-19 infection is preliminary but looks very promising,” she said.


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