Athol Daily News – Covid focusing on local resources; some patients left the state


Posted: 09/19/2021 16:10:54 PM

Modified: 09/19/2021 16:10:56

ATHOL – Low vaccination rates and virulence of the Delta variant of the COVID-19 virus keep infection rates in the Heywood Healthcare service area high. That’s according to Heywood President and CEO Win Brown.

In his weekly briefing on Friday, September 17, Brown reported “the increasing prevalence of the Delta variant in our region and across the country.

“All of the communities in our main service area have passed a removal rate of 10 per 100,000, all of the communities over 30 per 100,000, and Athol is at 48.9 per 100,000. So that’s an incredibly high prevalence. of the Delta variant in our region.

“Just make sure you’re doing everything you can to stay safe.”

Brown then pointed out the obvious: “If you haven’t been vaccinated, please go get vaccinated. And if you influence who can get the vaccine, do so because we are seeing an incredible amount of positivity in our region.

“This obviously affects all the services in our health system. “

Brown then highlighted the overall gravity of the situation across the country.

“Some sobering data from the CDC; one in 500 Americans has died from the coronavirus since it was first reported. So for those of you who think it’s not a real thing, it’s a real thing, and you need to do what you can to support everyone in your community and in your family to make sure that they stay safe. So, please, if you are not vaccinated – once again – do so.

“Tuesday evening (September 14),” he continued, “663,913 people in the United States died from Covid-19. Across the country, we are struggling to keep track of the volume of patients who come for treatment.

“In addition, we find that a large number of those who come back positive are children and adolescents; more than 50 percent at this point.

As for the local effect, Brown said the continued rise placed emphasis on inpatient capacity at Heywood and Athol hospitals, as well as hospitals across the state and nationwide.

“We continue to move patients out of state – to Hartford, Connecticut, as there are no intensive care beds available when we need them. We just need to let you know how important it is that we all play our part. “

Brown stressed, as he has done in the past, that anyone who is not feeling well should immediately contact their primary care physician, “seek care in our two emergency departments or our emergency care” .

He also said a number of preciously scheduled surgeries are now on hold.

“Due to the outbreak, we have temporarily suspended all elective in-hospital surgeries – all other hospitals in the Commonwealth will do as well – to make sure we can take care of people locally.

As Brown reported, as of September 16, Athol averaged 48.9 positive Covid cases per 100,000 population and averaged over 60 new cases per week. Meanwhile, the city’s vaccination rate is stuck at just 59% of eligible people who have received at least one injection.

Meanwhile, a Monmouth University poll released on Wednesday, September 15, shows that a majority of Americans – ranging from 55 to 63 percent – support immunization mandates for healthcare workers and teachers, as well as for federal employees and contractors. Just over half – 51% – support a mandate for schoolchildren aged 12 and over.

The same poll indicates that the number of Americans who say they will never receive a vaccine under any circumstances is just over 20%.

Greg Vine can be contacted at [email protected]


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